Brian opened his eyes, only to see a familiar figure peering down at him and smiling.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.”
Brian would only chuckle, not even being the slightest bit startled.
“Good morning to you too, Usui. You really do enjoy seeing me wake up every morning, don’t you?”
The perky angel dragon let his tail swish back and forth, a little excitedly. He was just genuinely happy to see his friend.
“You know it. You got any plans for today?”
“Perhaps. But I was sort of thinking…”
“About this summer program my school is doing. We’d basically get to go on a trip and check out a few of the neighboring islands. It sounds like a cool idea.”
The angel dragon would sit down on his bed and look out the window.
“I think you should go for it. It’ll be a great experience for you.”
“Well yeah, of course. But I think I’m more worried about being alone on this trip. Tyler, Jinx and Sammy were considering it but I don’t want to be the only one to go.”
“Could talk to them and convince them, y’know.”
He’d turn and hug the husky.
“Heck, I’ll come with you too, if I need to.”
Brian hugged him back.
“I mean, it’d be nice. And you’re right, I could always just talk to them about it.”
“There’s just so much I still have yet to know...and I want to see it all. See what secrets the Caribbean holds, as so many remain mysterious and unsolved. I’d also love to see what the other islands are like, too. Or, maybe I’ll find out something I never knew about myself.”
He glanced over to a picture frame he had on his nightstand, then leaned on Usui’s shoulder.
“Or...maybe have an answer as to what really happened to my dad, as a lot of details just..don’t add up. But the chances of figuring that out are...quite a longshot.”
Usui gently patted him on the back.
“Well, you’ll never know unless you give it a try.”
“..Yeah. That’s true.”
“But I’d say just give it thought and see what you want to do.”
“Well, what I think I’d want to do now is to at least change my shorts. And throw on a tank top probably.”
Usui chuckled, lifting the husky off his bed in a sort of bridal carry fashion.
“Fair enough! Are you ready for another fun day?”
Brian would smile and give Usui’s snout a little affectionate boop.
“Ready when you are! Onward, my trusty steed!”
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