An eerie silence filled the air. The once lively village brimming with vitality was no more. Instead, a white, thick, fog that blocked all sight preyed upon the village. Bodies lay strewn on the cracked, stone pathways. Limbs were missing. Heads were ripped off. Guts were spilled. The blood-bathed village turned part of the fog red. In the human kingdom, Cazak, a massacre occurred.
Hiding under the floorboards of his house, a boy with black hair and pupils held his breath. He knew any sound, even the sound of breathing, could very well lead to his death.
Thirty minutes ago.
The nine year old Chaus was about to have dinner when the warning bell in the village rang three times. Chaus's father, Richard, turned deathly pale. He locked eyes with his wife. As if on queue, they both looked at Chaus. Chaus, although young, could sense something was wrong.
"What's wrong papa?" Chaus asked.
"Nothing." his father replied while forcing a tight smile.
Chaus's mother, Melinda, suddenly exclaimed ,"Chaus, do you remember the spot you used to hide in when you were younger?"
"Yes," Chaus replied, not knowing where this was going.
Melinda forced a smile. "Go and hide there."
"But mama, we're about to have dinner." Chaus replied with confusion.
"I know sweetie, but can you do it for me? I'll make you your favorite dessert if you do."
Chaus had a joyful expression on his face. "Promise?"
"I promise," Medlina replied with a smile.
She held out her pinky and Chaus responded in kind. After completing the pinky promise, Chaus was about to run off and hide, but Melinda said, "wait."
She went over to Chaus and hugged him. "Whatever happens, remember we love you." Richard came over and also started hugging Chaus. After a few seconds, they let go. "Now go and hide," Melinda said softly.
"Mhm." Chaus nodded and ran off to hide under the floor of the hut.
Chaus grew excited. His mother only made his favorite dessert, cake, on special occasions. As far as Chaus could recall, today wasn't a special day, so when his mother offered to make him cake, Chaus ran off to hide with little hesitation.
When Melinda and Richard were sure Chaus was safely hidden under the floorboards, the bell rang again. Richard looked at Melinda with a melancholic look. "This is the end, isn't it?"
"Do you think he'll live?" Melinda replied with tears sliding down her cheeks.
"Yes," Richard replied in a voice full of confidence as he wiped the tears off Melinda's cheeks.
The couple hugged each other for the last time before the oncoming storm.
Chaus went straight to his hiding spot with a smile. Soon he would be able to eat his favorite dessert.
A few minutes passed when Chaus heard the first scream. It was closely followed by a second scream. Then more and more screams were heard. The screams got louder and louder. Soon, Chaus could make out the voices that emitted the screams.
Chaus had a confused expression on his face. Why were they screaming? Soon, realization dawned on him. Those were screams of pain. Something was going on up there, and it wasn't anything good.
Then Chaus heard two thuds above him. His parents. Chaus grew worried. He wanted to go up and check on them, but he was scared at what he would find.
Soon, silence filled the air, and Chaus stayed still in his hiding spot. A stench began filling his nose. It was so putrid Chaus almost gagged but he managed to stop himself. Every cell in Chaus's body was telling him to run away, but he had no where to run. He suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. Chaus froze. Something was coming his way. The being that massacred his village was coming towards him. Chaus's body began locking up. He was overcome with fear. The footsteps were coming closer and closer. Then, when the creature almost reached Chaus, it stopped walking. Everything was silent. Chaus held his breath. Time passed by so slowly for Chaus that seconds felt like hours. Then, out of nowhere, the floorboards were ripped apart. Chaus began to scream, but before he could, he was knocked unconscious. The last thing Chaus saw was a large figure towering over him.
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