My friend and I started this together and then left so now its just me i hope you injoy. P.S when theirs a K it means she wrote this good bit and B is mine.
Gunner tapped his fingers against the arm of a chair nervously, not expecting the turn of events from light skies to dark nights. He seemed calm on the exterior, but nails were clawing at the sides of his mind at the way a tall man looked at him and his female 'friend'. Rory wasn't actually much of a friend and he'd prefer to keep it that way, but the assignment was to do research on a circus. How convenient was it that a circus showed up around the same time Rory started school in the area? The freckled teen found it really weird that she just showed up at the same time the circus did and that she was reluctant to even go to the circus. Gunner noticed something wrong with her the day she was paired up with him in their English class, but he didn't say anything about it.
So, there he was. He brushed black strands out of his eyes without saying anything to the tall man with the beard, the mustache, and the freaky top hat. His nimble and lithe, thin fingers brushed against his grey beanie and he was hardly paying attention to what the man was saying. The only word that caught his attention was the word "Lockwood" but he couldn't place where he had heard that name before. He perked up at the mention, letting the word roll off of his own tongue before he could stop himself.
"Did you just say Lockwood?" Gunner lifted his hazel eyes to look dead at the mysterious man with the bright smile.
"Why, yes I did. You have a keen ear, Mr. Nelson," Valentino grinned.
Rory rolled her eyes, shifting in her seat with a spray paint can clinking against the desk that she was crammed against, as it was hooked to her belt. She was a troublemaker and both males in the room knew that all too well. "Yeah, Gunner. You really have a keen ear, huh?"
Valentino's left eye twitched at what Rory said. "Regardless of that, I was saying that I wanted you two to join my circus. You seemed to really get along with all of our members."
"You mean that creepy firebreather guy and the weird tightrope walker?" Rory mumbled. "No way."
"You're acting like you don't know their names, Rory. That's rude of you," Valentino just smiled wider.
"Hey, let's just focus on what you were talking about before. You...want us to join your circus? Aren't we a little young?" Gunner asked with a distrusting look.
"Not at all!" Valentino sat up straight from his position on the desk in front of the two. "This circus is specially made for young circus performers and you, Mr. Nelson, have talent. "
The ringleader handed a form over to Gunner, then added. "And you certainly do as well, Rory"
With that, he handed another form to Rory.
"We're not doing this," Rory threw the paper aside, crossing her arms.
Gunner didn't even bother to read the form. "Sure, why not. It would really help with our assignment."
"I said," Rory started. "We're not doing this, Gunner."
"My parents wouldn't mind, assuming that we need their permission. We do....right? " Gunner shifted uncomfortably.
"If that's what you're comfortable with, Mr. Nelson. Your senses are very absolute, so I'm hoping you'll find yourself adjusted to the circus. We shouldn't be moving away from here for a while and neither should Rory."
"Why would Rory be moving?" Gunner lifted his gaze from the paper as he was handed a pen.
"Well-" Valentino started.
"I wouldn't," Rory interrupted him. "And I'm still not joining."
"I'm serious, it would help our grade a lot. Can you imagine what kind of grade we'd get by doing exactly what we're writing about? It'd be insane"
"Rory," Valentino gave her a look. There was something in his eyes that dared her to just say yes.
"Whatever," Was her response.
"Cool," Gunner shrugged, signing the paper, then handing it back to Valentino.
The older male looked at the contract and grinned, handing it over to Rory. "Let's cut down on time and just have you sign this too, no need to make haste and pick up the one you rudely threw."
Rory snatched the paper and held her hand out for the pen. "Pen," She demanded.
Valentino handed her the pen and she reluctantly signed the paper.
"You'll make great additions to the circus," He nodded.
Gunner looked at Rory, his nervousness having already faded as he smiled. Rory, however, didn't smile...
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