*A huge black explosion happens above a building that engulfs a lot of area breaking the terrace into dust in a desert city. Ambulance reaches the area immediately, Nurses evacuating the injured workers. police cars arrive at the scene, fires raging wildly in the surroundings, a man walking like a drunk with purple skin pale yellow eyes comes out.*
*police fires him at the scene and the bullets hit him but the man wasn't dying and nine other people like him comes from the building*
police 1: Damn it! where are the slayers, call them quick!
police 2: *Grits and lowers his guns* It's no use, the possessed are aura users.
police 1: *emergencily shouts* LOOK OUT!!
*A possessed attacks the police 2 with sharp paper knifes and cannibalizes the body, the police scaredly shouts and mass fires at the possessed*
*The possessed remains unscratched, highers his face in anger, they walk slowly and devour the medical team. A fast possessed emerges from the building running terrifically and eats an injured man in the stretcher, horrified nurses and the possessed kills all of them*
Nurse: *terrifically* NOOO! *A injured kid in his hand* I WON'T LET HER DIE! *2-3 possessed comes towards the nurse and eats her alive and goes for the child*
*The injured child screams as the nurse’s blood splatters onto his face, her small body trembling in terror. The possessed close in*
*The fire intesifies and police 4 shoots a missile from a bazooka near the possessed it explodes, distracting the possessed from hurting the kid*
Police 4: They don’t die from normal weapons. But the impact–the noise, the heat–seems to make them hesitate for just a mo—
*the fast possessed leaps into the air and crashes down onto the police 4, devouring him before he can even scream*
Police 3: *fires 4-5 bullets, then gun doesn't works* Tch! *tries to fire several times* we ran out of bullets!
*The possessed comes to eat the little girl, she was crying looking at the half eaten nurse, she turns back and sees the possessed coming towards her. She was horrified and couldn't able to move*
*suddenly a car emerges out of nowhere running over the possessed, drifts and stops, 5 people breaks out of the car, slayer 1 with a grin, slayer 2 who is a female chewing a bubble gum takes out his sword, slayer 3 a muscular guy, slayer 4 with neutral expressions with a cloth covered in his mouth, slayer 5 looking at his fingers with a string between index finger and thumb*
Police 3: It's-It's the slayers!!
Slayer 1: *happily says* Huh? Are we so popular? *grins*
slayer 2: *female one, chewing a bubble gum and with the sword supporting on her back* Shut up and do your work.
*Slayer 3 growls and tears up his shirt and grows out more two hands and grows his size and runs wildly towards the possessed, slayer 1 grows fire wings and slayer 2 makes a bubble and pops it runs towards the possessed and slayer 4 lowers a cloth and shows his mouth and slayer 5 releasing strings with his fingers rushes towards the possessed and the possessed rushed towards them.*
*in a school*
*The fight between the possessed and the slayers is shown in the news, the principal is watching the news, closes the TV by remote*
Principal: *sigh* Another case of the possessed, Earth is now not safe for humans
Vice principal: *female* Sir why do you taking the tension? We have slayers.
Principal: There is no saying when will a possessed will emerge in this school, we need someone who protects mother earth!
*scene cuts*
History Teacher: Years ago, very small ratio of people when experienced extreme emotions awakened a special type of mysterious power named aura. The government used to execute them no matter what their age, for unknown reasons. But currently, awakening aura is normal.
*In second bench, Kaminari Hayamoto a 17 year old was resting cheeks on his hands and looking outside*
Kaminari: *Teacher continues teaching* (If Adam and Eve had kids, their kids had another kids and like that passed on then doesn't that makes all of us brothers and sisters?)
*after the class, when kaminari was on his school's corridor. He meets two bullies named Arata and Renji, who forces Kaminari to do their Homework*
Kaminari: *Frustrated yet nervously* N-No I won't do your homework. *Shouts nervously* I REFUSE!!
Arata: How dare you reject us?
*looks at kaminari's wrist, it had a bracelet, he snatches the bracelet*
Arata: Hey Renji burn this bracelet with your fire.
Kaminari: No! It has my mother's last sign! No!
*He burns the bracelet*
*A flash of emotions flow inside kaminari's mind, kaminari shocked and helpless. Tears fall out of his eyes*
*Kaminari sitting ahead of a wall, crowd watching him getting beaten*
Renji: Said you a million times! *holds kaminari's hair and punches him, kaminari groaning falls in side* Do not oppose our desires, do you understand?
Arata: You seem to have a death wish, *sees kaminari's swollen face, tears falling and looking at him* Damn it! YOUR FACE IS SO DAMN ANNOYING *kicks kaminari's solar plexus forcefully*
Kaminari: AAAAARGH!!! *sees the crowd smile and laugh* (Help me... please *hopelessly* help me) *extends out his hand* sa-ve me!
Renji: Huh? *walks and highers him by holding his hair, kaminari afraid looking at him* did you asked for help? Nobody will help you here. And to consider Arata's words, YOUR FACE ANNOYS ME TOO! *sits and punches kaminari on his face and chest*
*Kaminari groaning in pain suffers, then sitting near a river*
Kaminari: why do I get bullied in the school, my mother–my mother's last remaining bracelet they burned it. *throws a stone at the river* They aren't humans. If I had powers then I would've beat them to a crap and protect the weaker. I want to get stronger, *shivering and converting sorrow in extreme determination* Stronger than anybody is in this world, I will bring peace, for that... *closes fist in frustration, looks high above the ground and shouts in his full strength, his words reaches up to the heavens* I NEED POWER!!
*while walking to home*
Kaminari: (Bullying has become a daily service now. well... now I don't even mind but...) *frustatingly holds his head* Mom! why did you leave me alone? *sigh* Getting over it will be hard, I wish something supernatural happens now, like suddenly I start to fly and aura awakens inside me too.
*Phak! A pigeon pooped on his head, kaminari looked above while walking and he fell down in a construction pit. For some millisecond rogue aura got concentrated and he got teleported into another realm*
Kaminari: Huh? Where am I? This is not a pit
???: *sigh* after all this years it was to be a human to come here?!
*kaminari looks back and sees a red coloured beast who looks terrifying and his fur is red coloured and he has long canine teeth and he's at least 400 feet tall. He is locked in huge chains. He shouts in dominance*
???: Hey Free me you small fry!
*kaminari stunned by seeing something so huge before his eyes, he continues staring at the beast and realizes the beast isn't attacking*
Kaminari: (What... is this thing? A demon? A monster?)
*He took a cautious step back, heart pounding. But the giant didn’t move. The chains rattled, binding it in place.*
Kaminari: (wait... it's stuck, It can'tdo anything then? Let's test it out) uhhh...l *thinking lines*
*The beast's eyes glares at kaminari commanding authority*
Kaminari: *Looks normally* So… uh… you good, man? You look like you've been awake for centuries.
???: Shut up! You rude human
Kaminari: Huh? (It didn't do anything, it's safe I think)
???: Humans are really fools, listen kid I know everything about you *he tells kaminari everything about him*
Kaminari: How did you know? Who are you?
???: I am a Devil king, I know everything and I won't harm you.
Kaminari: *nods* So, you’re the so-called Devil King, huh? You don’t look that scary. You look like a guy who eats instant ramen for dinner every night.
Devil king: you are an idiot but this time you did the right choice believing in me and... You dare insult me, mortal?!
Kaminari: Bro, you have eye bags darker than my future!
Devil King: ...
Kaminari: *squints eyebrows, then tilts head* Wait a second… do you even sleep?
Devil King: *smirks naughtily and looks away* Of course not! A true ruler never rests!
Kaminari: So you’re telling me you’re a 500-year-old demonic overlord… running purely on rage and caffeine?
Devil King: FOOL! I am fueled by the suffering of the weak and the despair of mortals!
Kaminari: Yeah yeah, that's what I tell myself when I pull all-nighters too.
*The devil king clenches fist, his red aura flawing violently*
Devil King: ENOUGH! Your arrogance ends here! PREPARE TO BE ERASED FROM EXISTENCE!
*Kaminari stretches his arms lazily, yawning.*
Kaminari: Oh? You’re gonna erase me? Cool. I’ll finally be free from my debts.
Devil King: …
*Kaminari smirks, cracking his knuckles.*
Kaminari: But before we start fighting, I need to know one thing.
Devil King: Speak quickly, fool!
Kaminari: If I win… do I become the next Devil King?
Devil King: WHAT?! No! That’s not how it works!
Kaminari: Damn. I was hoping for at least a cool throne or something.
Devil King: ENOUGH TALK!
*Kaminari dodges as the Devil King hurls a massive attack through mouth at him, leaving a crater in the ground. Kaminari blinks at the destruction, then looks back at the Devil King with wide eyes.*
Kaminari: Okay! okay! I take it back… You just don't run on caffeine. You definitely had pre-workout too.
Devil King: RAAAAAH!
Kaminari: You're a cool man, anyway what's with those chains?
Devil King: Free me out of the chain!
Kaminari: But that key *points at the key next to him* is huge for a huge lock
Devil king: fear not, I will give you some of my power
*He closes his eyes a white gas enters kaminari's chest and kaminari lifts that key estimated weight 5 ton*
Kaminari: I feel different, (If I get his all powers, I might become invincible... Just like I imagined!) I want a contract, I want all of your powers in return to freedom of you from the chains.
Devil king: DON'T BE STUPID! Even a demon beast can't handle my powers completely then you small fry, how can you handle it? Silently open the chain
Kaminari: *with a naughty smile* is it? *devil king sweats* then rot here until your big fry comes.
Devil king: YOU SMALL FRY, I am a devil king not someone who will be victim of you.
Kaminari: I'm not opening it then!
Devil king: Tch! (if this chance I miss then from 10 million years nobody will come here, let me accept his contract also there's no way he can survive 10 million years. It's still a profit for me.) okay, I will get sealed inside you and neither will I control your body.
Kaminari: Oh? You understood? How can I believe you won't betray me?
Devil King: Listen, small fry, do you truly believe you can survive in this world as weak as you are? You were beaten, humiliated, and thrown away like trash. But with my power... no one would ever dare lay a hand on you again.
Kaminari: Tch... tempting, but I’m not stupid. What if you betray me the moment I free you?
Devil King: Fool! If I wished to betray you, I wouldn't need deception—I’d simply take your body by force! But I cannot, for I am bound by an eternal law: A contract of aura, once made, can never be broken. You hold all the power here!
Kaminari: So you’re saying if I make this contract, I control you? *devil king nods* hmm, (I have learnt about it in history books how people use contracts in agencies.)
Devil king: Hey shhh! Don't talk, I feel presence of someone. Free me this chain, judging from his aura appearance he's terribly powerful.
Kaminari: But still I don't believe you, what lf the occurrence of someone is a made up story? I believe you will betray me
Devil King: Fool. *terrible red eyes glowing at kaminari in the darkness showing the terror of the devil king* If I could betray you, I would have already.
Kaminari: (Hmph! That's true, he probably has the power to kill me in an instant considering he shot that beam thing through his mouth. I think he isn't a threat as he didn't killed me)
Devil king: There is still doubts inside your heart, I can sense
Kaminari: (If I do this... will I be myself? What if he takes over my body the moment he seals inside me? And what if the contract doesn't work? Risks are there, what should I do? *remembers the horrific scene of getting bullied, the unbearable pain, the laughs and the faces of bullys* no I must take the risk.)
Devil King: The man is coming closer, I can feel he's not normal. He has tremendous amount of aura.
Kaminari: (As long as that incident never returns) Fine... I propose a contract on you get sealed inside me without playing with my body until I ask you to and in return I will open your chains and free you.
Devil king: accepted! Now free me fast
*kaminari opens the chain and the devil king enters in kaminari's chest in a form of gas*
*A chilling wind swept through the realm. Kaminari felt it first—a presence so cold, so suffocating, it made his breath hitch. And then… he saw him*
—To be continued
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