Dedicated to the DM and players of the campaign this story is based off of.
This story is heavily based on an ongoing D&D campaign, which means a few things:
This is a rough draft. Once I finish catching up on all the sessions, I might start working on edits.
As I'm not sure which items, events, and encounters are actually important to the plot, I have included all of them. All of them. Have fun reading through that.
I have, however, taken a few creative liberties.
A few things are not going to line up with D&D RAW, like one of the characters being a slime.
I'm trying not to make my character out to be the main character, but I have more access to his information than the others', so I'm not always very good at spreading the spotlight.
Kit and Cub are prominent players in this campaign, so our DM was incredibly nice, even when our characters were idiots.
There is some violence in the series. You'd think Kit and Cub being there would have deterred that, but they are two of the biggest culprits.
There's also a good deal of crude/potty humor. Kit and Cub were not the biggest culprits there. That honor belongs to us adults.
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