Greer slowly walked around the campus. Ok. They were paying money for her to be here. She had this figured out. She was going to work part time, live in the dorm and then she’d… She got to the dorm desk and blinked. “Wha… what do you mean… there is no room?”
“Well… there was a fire two nights ago. I guess they didn’t call you. We have some places willing to help and we have a check from the school for the refund and some extra for the trouble. There’s an apartment complex not too far from here though. And you can go there and see if they have any open spots.”
She sighed and went to the bulletin board. She paused and looked at it. Some people were looking for roomies… maybe they’d have space for one more? She sorted her duffle and her backpack and started walking down. Just a month or two should be fine right? Deposit the check first of course… then meet people. Besides, maybe this would be better? Minimize the chance of switching or anything. Besides, she kinda liked the floating power. It was making carrying her stuff easier. She arrived at the complex. It looked nicer than she could afford but… rent a couple ways was probably doable. Greer straightened herself out and looked forward. She wanted to look as mature as possible to these people. They were probably a couple years older than her.
The door opened and she smiled. “Hi, I’m Greer Smith… I heard about the roommate thing and thought I’d see if there was still a spot open? The dorms at the college kinda caught fire…”
"Of course. Come in, Greer." The man gestures as she enters as he steps out of the way. "We still have an open room if you want it."
She came in. "That'd be great um.... I can't afford more than what the dorm cost... And I can be out end of the semester if this doesn't work out. But I do my share of the chores and I keep to myself."
"There's already four of us so split five ways, rent should be around $150 a month including utilities. That includes the WiFi. We also have a laundry room in the apartment. What else...? Oh, if you want to pitch in for groceries, most of the food is communal unless otherwise marked... And I'm guessing you might want to see the bedroom..."
Greer was trying not to look shocked. This was so much LESS. She should have done this sooner. She could send home the money to her ma. It had been so much... She followed and looked around. "I'll pitch in. I think my meal plan got canceled with my room.
"Guess I'll need to hit IKEA or something for some cheap furniture tho..."
"... Did you not fully read the listing? The bedroom is 'lightly furnished' since we expected a college student to probably answer the ad and it didn't make sense to lug a bunch of furniture here if they're not planning to stay for more than a few months. I mean, if you decide to stay longer that's perfectly fine. We just figured anyone who was interested likely planned on moving out after they didn't need to be near the college anymore."
"I... was in a rush. I was the last person told just about." She smiled. "Still that's a pretty good deal. Do I need to sign anything?"
"Right... Sato wrote up a sublease for us to use. It's mostly more just something official so you can have assurance that we won't screw you over without the option for legal action. He figured a lot of possible students might worry about that kind of thing with some horror stories that go around these days... I'm pretty sure he keeps the copies in his room…”
Greer nodded a bit. "Ok then... I'll read it over and let Ma know then."
He seems to suddenly think of something. "Oh, right. We're all guys... Is that going to be a problem? I mean, since you're a girl, are you going to feel comfortable living with only guys?"
"I'll be fine... But if someone tries something I can't promise I won't deck them. You gonna be ok with that?"
"Anyone who would dare cross the line in the way you're implying deserves anything you decide to do. I would ask that if it's only something that borders on making you uncomfortable that you ask them to stop before physical harm. Feel free if they don't stop, tho..."
"That's fair." She looked in the bedroom and smiled. "This will be perfect...." She looked at Blake... he looked like he MIGHT be young enough.... "So... you still in college too?"
"Graduated last year. Major in English Lit..."
"Oh. Cool. You gonna write books or review them or teach maybe?"
"I write, though I'm thinking of using my degree to get a better paying job in the near future too. Writing fiction doesn't exactly pay the bills until one becomes really popular, so in the meantime I work a 'regular' job for the money and do the writing for 'the dream'..."
"I guess..." Greer was glad her family believed in her ability to do college. She knew why, but sometimes she was worried. About the cost. About if she'd make it. If she'd be better off being a car mechanic... "I'm doing mechanical engineering... probably."
"You don't sound too confident about that..."
"I mean I did good at school. But it was a lil country hick town school you know?And college is expensive...." She looked at him. "Oh don't worry I have the money for the rent and all! I can even prepay if you want for the semester. It's just the first time I've been away from home and... you know. Lot to learn and know that I probably don't cause country hick."
"I understand... Leaving home for college can be quite the new experience..."
She nodded and set her things down. Her eyes flashing a moment as she did. "So I guess I give a check after I sign stuff?"
"Sounds good. Let me go see if Sato's available right now so I can get you that paperwork..."
Greer nodded and followed. She'd read over everything carefully but she was confident this would be fine.
Blake goes to one of the closed doors and knocks. When there's no answer, he presses a doorbell system oddly placed next to the bedroom door. After a moment, a response from the system. "Yes?" "New roommate. Permission to enter your bedroom for the paperwork?" "Go ahead, it's the second drawer down on the right." Blake walks in to grab it.
Greer leaned over to the intercom. "Um... Hi.... I'm Greer Smith. It's nice to meet you." She stood there a moment, wondering if he was one of those people like her auntie. Well... she could deal with that and she had an idea of what to do.
"Oh, hello. I am guessing you are the new roommate...? I am currently sort of in the middle of something, else I would come home for a proper meeting but maybe we can talk more at dinner tonight...?"
"Sure thing. I have a few days before classes start anyway."
"Sounds like a plan. Welcome to our little group."
"Thanks..." She watched as Blake came out and got a pen out and some colored glasses as she went to read the paperwork.
"Would you like anything to drink or munch on while you read through it?"
"No thanks, I'm good." She carefully read over it and nodded a bit. "What's this part about special accommodations?"
"Pretty much just if there's any special rules you need to have followed, like 'I'm allergic to nuts so be careful about that kind of thing' or 'I need quiet hours during these times'... It's so there's a record that you've told us in case it becomes an issue later. See? There's a place for each of us to initial that we read it at the bottom."
"Oh um... I mean... I can't think of any right now... I guess don't make a big deal about my gloves and stuff...I like to wear them until I get to know people, kinda."
"That's fine. You don't have to put anything down if you can't think of anything."
She nodded and finished reading over it. "Ok that looks good. I'll give Ma a call so she knows what is going on." She got up and got her phone out to call. within moments it was a heated.... discussion with Greer convincing her she'd be ok. After a bit it calmed down. "It's fine ma... yes. You can visit. Just lemme know ok? Ok... love you too. Bye." Greer looked exhausted. "Ok... I'm good. I got this." She signed it and went to write a check.
Blake hands Greer her copy of the key to the apartment. "Would you like any help moving your stuff in?"
"Oh um... that was all of it." She gestured to the duffle and the backpack.
"Oh, okay. Then I guess I'll leave you to get settled in. My room's the door with the storm clouds painted on it if you need anything."
"Cool, thanks." She went to her room and carefully got out her clothes and books. She didn't have much. But she didn't want to bring anything too valuable to a dorm room. She was glad now too... if she had it would have been sent ahead and well... It only took about about hour or so to get everything sorted and then she took an hour to rest. It'd been a long day. It ended ok, but it was long.
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