( Goes up to a guy who's in a wheelchair)
1] So what do they call you? Wheels!
2] Yes they do.
1] Well wheels, I don't like you. I hate you! Your mamma hates you, your daddy hates you, your friends hates you, your family hates, everyone hates you. I'm out of here. Oh yeah, one more thing. Go home billy, I work alone.
( Guy in the wheelchair starts to power-up)
2] Wait! Let me show you my true power. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
1] Oh my god! Your-your...
2] That's right, I'm normal!
( He can walk now)
1] That maybe true but i have one more thing you will never have.
2] Oh yeah and whats that!?
1] A BAT CREDIT CARD!!! Time to finish you off. ProPAIN!!!
( Shots out a kamehameha)
2] Nooooooooo MACHOBA!!!
1] Looks like he should have use some wheels! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh! they see me rowing, they hating, and all because i'm white and nerdy! No, its not possible!
( The same guy comes back to life)
2] Yes, I was a hologram this whole time. And guess what.
1] What?
2] This was all a dream.
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