Dear Fellow Traveler,
How well do you know the world around you?
How often did you dream of traveling or craved the excitement of adventure?
How often did you wonder about the unknown around you?
Have you ever wondered what was down the winding road you had never gone down before? Behind the thickly grown trees, through a dusty old buildings window, or below the waters surface, curious to discover what's behind the thin Vale?
Have you perhaps had that choice taken from you, and before you knew it , you where experiencing these things regardless of what you wanted
Being uprooted when you didn't crave the option to travel. Thrown into an adventure you never thought of. Forced to face the unknown you once ignored.
Perhaps you were content before being asked these questions.
Whatever the reason, whatever the desire, the story is now in motion and the Vale has been drawn back.
No matter how mundane or exciting it is, a story will be told.
So enjoy your journey dear traveler.
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