“Okay, fine, I’ll go.”
Sofia jumped up from her bed, making the camera shake wildly. “Yes! Finally! I thought you'd never agree!” She pointed her finger towards Gabriel on her phone screen, “you better actually talk to people, this is your chance to make friends! Don’t you dare spend your whole night stuffing your mouth with food!”
Gabriel laughed, “I won’t make any promises! And that is a hard one to keep. Sorry!”
They both laughed at that, and Gabriel felt a twinge of nostalgia creep up to his throat. He felt really sad all at once. He felt like crying.
“I miss you Sofi. I miss you so much”
“I’d feel betrayed if u didn’t!” She laughed. “I love you, Gabriel. I love you and I miss you, and-” her voice cracked a little when she saw her best friend on the verge of tears. “Don’t you dare cry on me you little shit! My eyeliner is perfect today, and I swear if u mess it up I’ll... dammit Gabe! I hate you!” she said, as large tears started strolling down Gabriel’s face. Her eyes started welling up, and she desperately dabbed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. “I won’t ever forgive you for this!Unless you get me your mom’s secret cookie recipe. God I miss those cookies so much! Please get the recipe from her.”
Gabriel laughed, wiping his eyes with the end of his sleeves. “I’ll see what I can do. And sorry about the eyeliner. But hey, at least we’re even now. Don’t go thinking I forgot about the lipstick incident.” He shuddered dramatically, making Sophia laugh.
“Well, I’ve got to go now, but I’ll call again tomorrow. Don’t forget to send me a pic at the party! I need proof”
“Yeah, yeah whatever Sofi. Say hi to Celia for me. Love you”
“Bye Gabe, love you” she blew a kiss towards the camera, and then she was gone.
Gabriel sighed, missing her already. This was harder than he had expected. Maybe she was right, he needed new friends, and this party was the perfect occasion to make some. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. He plopped down on his bed, making it squeak under his weight. Maybe this was a good idea.
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