Do you have a wish? One very, very great wish that you want to come true? If so, what would that be? Is it to have all the money you want? All the things you wanna buy? All the possessions you could have? All the power you could have to rule over many? Is that what you really wanted?
Then, you truly are a sad mortal. You have proved to me that you are not worthy of the Dream Box’s Power. The Dream Box does not want your presence surrounding it. So Leave now! Leave!
You are to witness the wonderful things that chosen people have met upon the Dream Box’s power.
On the Night of your greatest wish, a beautiful girl of detailed lace dress, and of orange hair that fades to green and to violet. She is Morticia, the guardian of the Dream box. She will come to you and open the Dream Box to your wishes and strongest desires. Does it sound too good to be true? Well, that time will be the exact time that you would be able to live your fantasy world…but…only for a few days and that will be the last days of your life. After that wish, you’ll be gone like a puff ball in the wind. So, the box’s guardian will only show up to your last days and you will only serve as nothing to anyone anymore just as after you had your wish. It will feel like as if they had a missing memory, yet they won’t remember having that missing memory. They won’t even know you actually existed.
Now…pick your choice…Tell me your wish…
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