Liliana Vess, Protagonist
Savage, Dueteragonist
Tamiyo, Tritagonist
Anna, Quadragonist
Gideon Jura, Pentagonist
Jace Beleren, Hextagonist
Chandra Narala, Heptagonist
Nissa Revane, Octagonist
Sorin Markov, Nunagonist
Emrakul, Antagonist
Brisela, Voice of Nightmares, Antagonist
Olivia Voldaren, Antagonist
Kummal, Oblivion Intruder, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Vezucik, Spawn of Voids, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Demog, Smothering Depleter, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Kilrod, Vicious Walker, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Corral, Infiltrator of the End, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Rendug, Redeemer of Legions, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Vikokig, Monitor of Dismay, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Ternel, Oblivion Abolisher, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Gomrok, Hulk of Extermination, Antagonist (Might not appear)
Nasha, Swift Mystic
Zulmufun, Contagonist
Ashiok, Contagonist
Sigarda, Sidekick
Thalia, Sidekick
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