My name is Erwin Schneider. I am an ex-military officer from the northern military union. I was in a cafe with some friends just moments ago now I am inside an endless void.
Everything was black, and I couldn't see anything for a time. Sometime later, small fragments of lights started to appear.
All of them were going in a direction, but I couldn't move how hard I try.
More time passed, and human-like figures appeared near fragments of lights. They started talking. I couldn't understand any word they said, but my heart started to feel lighter as I hear their voices.
When their talk ended up, their faces started to turn towards me. At that moment, I saw the smile of a psychopath looking at his victim.
Voices that lightening my heart started to make me uncomfortable. Their look was making me scared. The last thing I heard was their laugh, and I fainted instantly.
A cold breeze is hitting my body. I shivered. Where am I? I tried to open my eyes, but they didn't.
Five minutes later, I managed to open my eyes. I can see branches of a tree and a cloudy sky. What time is it? I don't know.
My body is trembling because of the cold, but I couldn't move my arms or legs. I will rest for five more minutes.
Another cold breeze hit me. I opened my eyes again. This time I can move my limbs. Still, my arms are not strong enough to carry my body.
There is a tree near me. I may crawl next to it and use it as a support.
How did this happen? I thought while slowly crawling towards the tree. I can swear I was at a cafe with my friends just a moment ago.
My head hurts as I try to remember what happened. Did someone kidnapped and threw me here. It will explain the hallucinations I saw, but I am not sure if they are hallucinations.
Did someone try to make a foul out of me! I finally managed to reach the tree.
I put my hands grabbed with all my power and lifted my body. Even a simple movement like this took a lot of energy. I lean my back to the tree.
"If someone is making a joke, it's not funny, and don't make me find you!"
No one responded.
My body feels heavy, my legs are shaking. I can only stay up because I lean my back to a tree. My view started to glitch. I think I will faint right now.
How long have I fainted? one hour, two, maybe four? At least I feel better now.
I put my on the tree and pulled my body to get up. Easier this time, I start to feel better any moment, but my headaches, I feel exhausted and cold weather doesn't make resting any easier.
Should I need to state that I don't have any idea where I am right now?
I need to move, I can't wait here, or I will die because of the cold.
I looked at a long branch lying on the ground. I can use this as a walking cane.
I crouched and tried to reach the branch, but my view started to glitch. My body feels heavier again. Different colors are appearing in front of me. Now the colors are creating shapes in front of me.
What is happening, I can swear there are words right in front of me, but it's like they were looking like scribbles of a child. My eyelids started to become heavier. I couldn't handle it anymore. I just let my body fall.
The strange void appeared again. It almost feels like someone or something wants to torture me mentally.
Uncomfortable sounds turned into something worse. Screams, especially ones I heard from my military days.
Almost everyone from my father's family tree was a high-ranking member of our countries military. My grandfather was a Lieutenant general, and my father was a major general in the army. Because of that, they raised me in military standards.
Almost all my life passed in military academies. My father wanted me to raise as a master strategist, but one of my teachers from high school years told my father my I do a better job for my country in the Technical Institute Of National Defense.
As an engineer, I worked in weapon development and advancements for two years until a terrorist attack from another country.
They organized a suicide attack on one of the NCD(National Defence Council) buildings in the urban area. Which my father was staying at the moment.
Security needed to find and naturalize the carrier before the bomb explodes, but they betrayed our country that day.
After that, our neighbor declared war on us. Because of the effects of the last third world war, none of the countries were warm to the idea of starting a new one.
First, they captured some land from us with a surprise attack, but our garrisons stopped them from advancing more. After hearing my father's death, I leave my job as an engineer and applied to the army.
My mother tried to stop me, but it wasn't enough. I send to an artillery division as a combat engineer six months after. My past in the military academies give me an edge over other people, and I managed to get myself into the front lines.
Advanced robotic artilleries do not require much of a job. You only need to choose a location, and they will fire for you, but our enemy doesn't have this kind of advancement.
They were mostly relying on their mass-produced equipment and high population while our country focused on quality over quantity.
I can feel my body again, I wasn't finished my story, but maybe someday I will tell all of it.
I looked around a bit, stone walls and stalactite. Definitely, I was in a cave, but I don't know who dragged me in.
Shapes started to interrupt my sight again. It is almost like words are appearing in front of me. I shook my head to get off them, but they are still there.
I don't know, but I feel something is coming from far. My body is tingling and screaming me to get up. I looked around. There was nothing neither in my left or right.
"Ah!" Something hard hit my back, and I turned my back. I can't believe in my eyes. I need to be hallucinating to see this.
A skeleton! A walking Skeleton with no muscle neither no organs, but somewhat it's walking and attacking me.
I stepped back. I need a moment to understand what is going on, a skeleton shouldn't move, or neither shapes appear in front of me.
I don't care how weird the situation is right now. I need to get myself together because something is attacking me, and my main priority is to stop it.
The creature swings his weapon again, but I grabbed his arm in the air. Skeleton was definitely was weaker than me " Did you forget to drink your milk?" I teased the skeleton for some reason.
It couldn't move his arms how hard it tries, but I can't just break bones with my bare arms. "We are kinda equal, aren't we." I looked at the stone walls of the cave. I think I know what to do. With my other arm, I grabbed the skull of the skeleton and raised it into the air. The average human skeletal system weighs around 11 or 12 kilograms. This explains why you are so weak. The creature tried to push me with his other arm, but no effect.
I started to hit his head towards the wall. "See making one mistake could backfire you more than you know. You messed with the wrong person, and now you will die.
Small cracks were opened in his skull, the skeleton is now not moving right now, but I am not satisfied enough. With all my power, I hit his head to the wall, and it broke into pieces.
"An enemy has been defeated. no rewards are given."
Huh? I heard a voice, but where did it come from.
"Show yourself!" I shouted, but nothing responded.
I don't know what is happening after this point, but I am fucking cold, and I need fire. Now I can move, finding some wood outside won't be a problem.
I looked at the headless body of the skeleton. "You may have something I could use" skeleton was wearing a fur coat.
I reached the coat with my arm and grabbed it.
"Now, where is your weapon?" I looked around to find the weapon skeleton hit me with. "Here it is." I picked up the mace.
Now equipment check, my phone was on the table, so it's not with me. Swiss army knife inside a leather pouch, I was planning to give to my friend and my wallet. All things I have are an army knife and my wallet.
I can survive with these things, but I need to find food.
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