Given the transmundane disparity of times between Narnia and Earth, I fear that it is likely that before this authentic chronicle of the true Queen and Empress of Narnia and the Lone Islands is read by Earthly eyes, they will be predisposed to reject it. On account, of course, of the disinforming volumes penned by a certain human of Earth whose name I will not deign to sully the pages of the Queen’s account by here scribing. Should my fear be realized, and the folios of the lion’s Propagandist be dispersed and accepted long before these, then I implore any now reading: please loose all prejudgment and consider keenly that which shall be here disclosed — no matter how unfamiliar to you it might be.
Through a tremendous effort of the Propagandist, seven books of divination and libel have been produced on the behalf of the accursed lion—defaming Our Fair Queen and heaping praise and glory upon the ferocious beast that supplanted her. If these are distributed in Earthly realms as he and his accomplices intend, then I must presume that the Earthly view of Narnia and its surrounding countries is greatly distorted.
Arbitrary admixture of fact with lie may lend a similitude of authenticity to those calumnious chronicles—this is but a cunning hoax. Though his reports of some events and persons are true in part, the apologetics and revisionism of the human Professor are not to be trusted. His fanatical and sectarian devotions pollute every page he pens, so that what he so impudently designates “chronicles of Narnia” are but his own thinly-disguised passion play: his deities and heroes and demons enacted by perversions—caricatures—of Narnian figures, and our country’s great name and heritage cast as only as a backdrop for apologetical sermons in defense of his alien religion.
Dear readers, whoever ye may be—Earthly, Narnian, Smaragdine, or other—let not the legacy and the memory of Narnia’s Queen and Empress be tarnished. Let not the achievements and Majesty of Her name and deeds be obscured. Let not the might of Her Throne be unknown to any world. Let not Her Crown be disgraced by foul treachery. Long live Her Imperial Majesty, Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands and of Charn. Long live the Queen.
- From the desk of Zaruzu, son of Bezi, former Imperial Liaison for Apes
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