The story begins with not a tale of happiness or bravery but of a tale of darkness and mystery, where one man has a choice to save the world he lives in or to find and save his own kin. He will travel far and wide to complete these choices, now the tale shall begin. The tale of Ichiro Yakatakashi.
The room flickering with gas lights in a barely furnished room. There a man lays on a bed dreaming of his past, with a mile wide stare onto the ceiling, he remembers the horrors of his village and the fate that befell his parents that faithful night. The night where men riding horses had set a flame to his village and killed his family, traveling alone with his new born sister in the cold snow to find any place to call home, killing to survive, becoming a warrior by daylight. He closes his eyes and tries to focus on the day ahead, he gets from his cot and takes his sword and pistols, preparing to go and gather some food from the hunt he embarks on every few weeks. A small girl greets him at the door with a warm hug.
Sopheal: Have a great day, big brother. Good luck!
Ichiro: Sopheal, I will okay.
The man exited the house into the snowy abandoned village of Azrect. The streets so empty once had been filled with villagers having fun and playing but now it is a graveyard of memories. Ichiro had made it to the front of the village before stopping at the entrance and looking at the sky as the clouds reveal an ominous flow to them. Ichiro looks down and bundles up and goes forth into the woods in the north west direction of the area. Ichiro ventures on the pathway to the old stone wall which looks like and old relic of the ancient civilization long ago. Ichiro looks behind him as he sees the target, a snow wolf feasting on the flesh of a rotted zombie. Ichiro releases he sword and prepares to attack. The wolf notices him and starts growling and snarling as it charges at him with it bare teeth filled with white saliva going everywhere. Ichiro hits it’s head with the butt end of his sword and swings his sword slashing the beasts head clean off with ease. He carves it with a knife and then gathers the meat into his bag to bring home. He keeps doing this till he notices something strange.
Ichiro: The branches and leaves all have been cut down by a sword…
He examines the woods and follows the trail, Ichiro waits in the brush as he sees a man cooking on a campfire. The man smiles.
Man: Come on out there is plenty of meat. Come feast with me. I don’t bite.
Ichiro comes from the brush and sits on the log next to the man, as he did Ichiro’s pulse went down, his eyes was filled with fear. He wasn’t able to move as this man was making Ichiro’s bowl, Ichiro wanted to flee yet his body wasn’t moving, the man’s smile was like looking at the grim reaper.
Man: Hehe no need to be afraid, I’m a simple man who lives on the land. Here eat.
Ichiro looked at the bowl and ate the dinner yet was careful not to startle the man with his fear. The man got from his log and stomped the flames out and packed his equipment up, and stretches and then bows to Ichiro as he thanks him, as he walks to the woods. Ichiro didn’t move for several minutes. He finally breathed in and exhaled coughing as if he was being choked.
Ichiro: What was that… He wasn’t human how could he be…… I felt like I was dying a thousand deaths just sitting by him…
Ichiro got from his log and went home in a swift rush, as he approached the village he saw smoke rise from his home and hurried to the village. It was all on fire, he ran to the house and knocked down the door yet no one was there. Then he heard Sopheal scream from the back of the house, he ran to her side only to find the same man from the woods grabbing his sister and he smiled as saw Ichiro.
Man: My payment for dinner.
He took a knife to her throat.
Man: Don’t worry nothing will happen to her as long as no one follows me, I need her for something special after all, I saw it in your eyes, the special gift of the forbidden magicks once held by the ancients. A remarkable power it is, when someone has it in them their eyes glow violet.
Ichiro came at him with his blade and the man simply drew his katanas and deflected his attacks, the more Ichiro attacked the more the man played with him till he knocked out Ichiro with one blow to the stomach.
Man: Well, seems you have potential, if she doesn’t work out don’t worry I’ll come and collect you. Ta ta.
Ichiro laid there in the snow and flames with no one to help him.
A boy who has to find his kidnapped sister from a dark warrior called the Shadow. Now Ichiro Yakatakashi and his team hast to defeat the Shadow and savehis sister before his plans are revealed
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