Silver narrating: it was a day like any other, after work I was walking home, it was a long trip, so I decided to stop by the local bar, the bar keeper was a old friend of mine, Joshua brine, makes a great moonshine.
Joshua: well if it Isn't my favourite customer, Goodmorning Silver
Silver: hey Joshua, how’s business?
Joshua: with all things considered, pretty quiet, I mean no one has pointed a gun on me for at least a month
Silver: ha that's good to hear
Joshua: still though could be a hell of a lot better, anyway how is everything down at the shop silver?
Silver: could be better….we’ve only had 5 customers since we opened and even then only one of them actually bought something
Joshua: I'm sure things up pick up sooner
Silver: so when am i going to meet this girl of yours?
Joshua: one day buddy, now what would you fancy
Silver: you know exactly what I want
Joshua: I sure do! One moonshine coming right up!
Silver narrating: Joshua was always so precise with how he made his moonshine, he puts all the liquids in a cup, a shake to the left, a shake to the right and slam the bottle on the table, he then pours it into a glass then….
Joshua: order up! With a special ingredient
Silver: ooh trying something new?
Joshua: yep trying to spice things up, now come on drink up, tell me what you think
Silver: *drinking slurp* ahh you've done it again Joshua
Joshua: ah come on don't flatter me too much it's what i do, anyway you're the first person to try this new drink, and it will be available in the coming months
Silver narrating: I took another sip and all of a suddenly everything multiplied, there were clones of drinks, mirrors and I even saw 2 Joshua’s, but then things started to become blurry
Joshua: hey silver, you looking a bit light their about some water to wash the moonshine down….silver?….oh shit!
Silver Narrating: all of a sudden everything went black...I was trapped in a black void, falling, falling, falling in a endless void until all of a sudden a red light woke me from my slumber, I woke up in what looked like the basement of the bar
Silver: ugh..what happened...that special ingredient packs a punch…, am I in the basement?
Silver narrating: I walked out to the bar and saw it was empty and wrecked
Silver: oh god! What happened here!
Silver narrating: I got on the phone behind the bar and tried to call Joshua but there was no answer
Silver: what's going on
*undying noises*
Silver: the hell was that….
Silver narrating: I got up and walked outside then horror struck me like a knife…..
Silver: w-what the…
Silver narrating: all around me there are nothing but flesh eating monsters, ripping people apart organ by organ, limb by limb, a nightmare just became reality, all of a sudden I was spotted by a zombie
Silver: holy shit!
Silver narrating: I ran, I ran as fast as I could until I was stuck in a alleyway the zombie charged at me and I thought this was the end….until….
Leon: *slash*
Silver narrating: a man and a woman appeared In front of me, next thing I know the zombie is cut clean in half, then when I tried to get up he drawed his sword at me, it was long and sharp with a skull Jewel on the stem, he wasn't very tall but he wore a mask over his mouth
Leon: shhh, you're making too much noise
Sticks: you really think he will keep quiet when you're pointing that sword at him
Silver narrating: the girl that stood with him had long blond hair and two small hatchets, she seemed to be a lot more calm then ninja boy over here
Leon: why are you wondering around this city like this, being out here will only lead to your death
Silver: i've only just woken up, i have no idea what's going on, who are you anyway, and why are there this zombie like things roaming around.
leon: ...first off these creatures are called the undying, we don't know why they came or where they came from but unless we find a way to cure those infected we will all perish...second...the names leon…*draws away sword*...and this is sticks
Sticks: howdy, it's a pleasure to meet you
Silver: umm yea..look i have no idea what's happening, the last thing i remember i was drinking at my friend Joshua’s bar then all of a sudden i woke up in the basement, I must have have blacked out or something and...ah this is so confusing
Sticks: it's alright we're here to help, just stay quiet
Leon: anyway we need to find a phone, one that we can use to try and contact other people to see if anyone has any information on what's going on
Silver: I know where one is, back at my friends bar, follow me!
Leon: wait! What did I say about roaming around so recklessly!
Silver narrating: i ran and ran and ran until i got back to the bar, I could see it from a distance and paused for a second so the others will catch up, then the next thing i know
Silver narrating: it was gone...all we had no way to make contact
Silver: no….
Silver narrating: next thing i know, leon grabs me by the collar, shaking and yelling at me
Leon: you’re an idiot! What were you thinking running around like this! Your gonna get yourself killed! Now where the fuck is the phone!
Silver narrating: I point at the burning ruins of my friends bar and he drops me
sticks: lean, we don't have time….that explosion was very loud, the undying will come any second
Leon: shit...come on!
Silver narating: all of a sudden we are running like we were about to get crushed by a giant boulder, it was the most i had to run in my entire life, thankfully we escaped from the undying and Leon and sticks took me to a wearhouse outside of the city, it was huge and looked like it could handle almost any attack
Leon: silver...this is where we stay to hid from the undying
Silver narrating: they let me in and right away i saw the rest of the survivors leon and sticks had save, a young looking girl wearing a backwards cap
Lara: leon you guys made it!
Sticks: of course WE did hehe
Silver narrating: a man suited for combat, like a general of some kind
Ryan: it's about time, where were you guys! We have been waiting forever
Leon: settle it down would ya
Silver narrating: a man in a hunting getup
Michael: were you able to gather any supplies
Sticks: no but i was able to find a second hatchet
Michael: well at least it’s better than ryans make sift bow
Lara **giggles**
Ryan: yeah, yeah shut up
Silver narrating: another young teen with bright blue hair
Amy: so, we have no food again…
ryan : don't worry darling, we will find better supplies soon, someone just needs to work harder
Leon: Grrr,
Silver narrating: and finally...a very beautiful girl with long hair with red tips, very casual clothing and eyes like diamonds shining bright in the light
Gen: hello...who are you?
Silver narrating: after she pointed me out, all of a sudden all focus was on me, some look at me in horror the other look at me annoyed, i couldn't tell if this was gonna go good or bad for me
Ryan: leon...who is this... and why is he here?
Leon: this is silver...we saved him during our time in the city
Ryan: you're such a dumbass, for all we know he could kill us all in out sleep and run off with all our supplies
Amy: we hardly have enough food for ourselves how are we going to feed someone else…
Ryan: don’t worry babe, I will find us something to eat, even if it kills me.|
Leon: Ryan I recommend you keep your mouth shut
Ryan: I can't believe the rest of these people voted you to be leader of this group….if you keep up shit like this….all of us will end up getting killed
Michael: Calm down Ryan, remember we voted for the both of you, You have just as much power as leon
Ryan: yeah right well if we are both incharge than i vote this guy out, who’s with me?
Lara: hey now hold on Ryan let's have a look at this guy, he may not be that useless
Michael: yeah dude are you any good with a weapon? Bows, swords, knives anything?
Silver: i like to think so at a time like this, I have never had to use one, but my dad was into that stuff and trained me with a few things..
Gen: hmmm, nice outfit, very fancy
Silver: oh umm thank you…
Gen: gen…
Silver: gen huh
Silver narrating: she stared into my eyes and i look into hers until boner killer pulled his sword
Leon: that's enough you two, we don't have time for love at first sight..
Amy: we need to find food..
Ryan: and a better leader..
Sticks: lets just calm down and some sleep, we will search the city one more time tomorrow before forming a plan
Ryan: whatever, night
Lara: *yarns* come on baby let's go get some sleep
Silver narrating: everyone went off to bed and i was given a place to sleep i was right next to gen she gave me a wink and fell asleep, it's so hard to think what this world turn into, how long was i asleep, and what happened to joshua, all these questions haunted me in my dreams, although outside dreamland, is like a nightmare came to life, i wish this was all a dream, i wish i could just wake up but i know when i do i'll be staring right into the Eye of the Dead
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