'Red'... *drip*.. 'glaring eyes'... 'white' *pant*....'glimmering fangs' *drip drop* ..'screams'*pant*. 'heart pounding'... *pant drip*..'chest burning'...*pant*. Gripping my side as I frantically ran scrambling away from the beast hearing its heavy breathing from be hind to terrified to look back *gruff gruff growl* slowly... but surely gaining. I trip "Ahhh!" I fall and turn back to see... IT. Not to far in front of me covered cloaked in shadow snarling and huffing. It pounces... "NOOOO!" I scream as I shoot up in bed trembling, sweating, crying. trying to calm down silently hoping... praying that I didn't wake, them up...
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