Rain drops dripped down slowly after the rain shower. Dark grey clouds marred the sky, holding back the bright, unseen midday sunlight. I was already drenched, could this day get any worse? I guess I'll be home soon enough. Sighing in annoyance, I started to walk faster, trying so hard not to slip and fall.
I reached into my bag, Where were my keys for goodness sake! I must have left them at home.
I knocked on the door, you could here a faint echo from inside the house. The wind howled. I stood outside on the patio, waiting. Shouldn't someone have answered the door by now? I fished out my mobile phone from my bag and dialled my sister, she should have been at home.
"Beeep" went my phone. Her number was not in service.My eyes widened. She always picks up the phone.This was so unlike her. I gave up hopes that anyone was going to answer the front door, so I went to the backyard door instead. Yes! The door was unlocked.
"Hello?" I called out, but alas there was no answer to be heard. From the corner of my eye I caught sight of a small piece of paper laid down on the table. I took it. Maybe it was them. My jaw dropped, this is impossible! They couldn't have! They're...
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