A chilling wind blew through the streets, the soft fabric of my jacket rubbing up against my skin from the cold winter air.
We stood on my doorstep, the familiar building in front of us seem even colder than the air surrounding us.
I felt a thin hand grasp mine, and warmth spread up my arm and into my chest, suddenly melting the ice that had formed.
I was ready for this.
We had practiced this dinner for days on end, nothing could go wrong
I rang the doorbell as goosebumps suddenly crept up my spine.
What if we made a mistake?
One worrying thought after another drifted through my head as I heard the automatic lock slide out of its place smoothly.
The door opened to my parents smiling faced, for they knew what I brought with me.
"Son! Welcome home, who's the lucky lady?" My mother asked, glancing at my companions IQMB (IQ measuring band) and saw a rather large number displayed on the screen.
"Oh my, 589! You found yourself a keeper, my dear! Come on inside miss..?"
"Bethany, ma'am"
"Bethany, how charming!"
Bethany smiled at the remark and looked at me, her brown eyes glittering with excitement as my mother gave her a tour of our rather large four-story home.
My father, a silent, stoic man, follows along, not saying a word, but smiling and nodding at his wife's mumbling nonetheless.
My mother, while being quite strict most times, is usually a bubbly person when it comes to meeting new people. She loves boasting about her priceless belongings.
Once we finish the tour, my mother activates the dinner protocol within our dining room table.
Seconds later, a full course meal appeared on top of the table, steaming hot.
"Let us dig in, shall we?"
My mother says heartily, her small laugh echoing throughout the dining hall.
I hated that fake laugh.
We all sat down after my mother's remark and began to feast.
Bethany ate with as much proper etiquette and poise as the rest of us as we made small talk throughout the meal, my mother, of course, bringing up my 'brilliant' IQ multiple times.
After dinner, I walked Bethany home despite my mom begging us to stay.
As the door closed behind us, we both breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Aristotle, why does your mother have to be so pushy?"
Bethany said.
"Like bitch, I KNOW you have the smartest son in the world, but come ON!" She threw up her hands in the air for dramatic purposes and continued rambling on and on about my family.
"And you wanna know what the WORST part of it was, Aris?"
"Hmm..?" I could barely keep up.
"I had to sit and watch them both eat biscuits, Aris, BISCUITS!"
"Uh huh..." Why does she have to be so annoying?
"I mean, I hate biscuits, I thought you were gonna tell them about tha- JACOB!"
She gasped, her face lighting up like a fourth of July firework.
"Sorry to cut this short Aris, but my ride is here."
She said, running off whilst shouting some sappy pet names at her real boyfriend.
I watched as she hopped into the car and kissed Jacob on the cheek, then headed back to my place.
For a girl with an IQ of 589, she can be stupid as fuck
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