A little while back I saw another IH person ask what to say to those people who doubt you and keep saying to them that the sleepiness "can't be that bad" and to "just suck it up". So, I decided that I'll make another little comic about sleep inertia and the constant sleepiness we experience.
Afterall, it is equivalent of taking sleeping pills and then trying to function - the sensation of heaviness, painful need to sleep is almost the very same. Except the fact that we don't choose it, and it is every single day issue. Like someone would be drugging us 24/7 against our will.
So, I hope this comic helps someone to get through to those stubborn people who are cruel and thoughtless with their actions and words. I hope this opens at least someone's eyes, somewhere.
Though if it doesn't - please know that it is okay to take distance from these people if you can and it is safe to do so. Your well being matters more than their opinions - and if they are unable to keep their traps shut, you can walk away so far that you can't hear them even if they screamed them at you.
You deserve better. Everyone deserves better than being gaslit and made to doubt your own diagnosis and how you experience your life.
I wish everyone the best, stay safe, wear a mask not to catch covid that could disable you more, and I'll be back with a new comic in two weeks time. <3
Oh, and please drop me a brain cell in ko-fi if you like this comic - it helps me keep it up while dealing with IH and ample medical debt, thank you!
Trying my hardest to cope with a rare neurological sleep disorder some people don't even believe exists and yet manages to ruin my life.
Subscribe to support IH research and IH artist to keep the comic going. 50% of monetization goes to IH research, and once the comic reaches 250 you can donate Tapas INK to directly support the comic - from that I pledge 10% to IH research.
You can also support the comic by donating to me in ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/hiisikolo_art where each donation helps me keep up making these. <3
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