Midlitch. The home of the elder gods, inhabited by their servants and the many cattle to be used in sacrifice. Dwarves, Elves, Humans, and Midlings serve any god that appears to them, worshiping them as their own. Each group of beings still obeying their original gods above all others.
Dwarves to the god Merich, a being floating in the shadow of Midlitch, turning stones into valuable counterparts in exchange for sacrifices of the first young of each harvest. A more passive god letting others stand atop of himself. He instils greed into the hearts of those that worship him.
Elves to the god Alchil, a living tree, 10 KM across, whose roots choke out all life on the surface if not properly fed sacrifices on a daily basis. An angry god killing all who dare approach her residing place. He instils pride in the mind of all who sacrifice their existence into her maintenance.
Humans to the god Cthulhu, an infant god, warping the mind of those of a weak mental state, turning them into servants. A careless god listening to all who come to him, helping them in exchange for a contract, which will usual cost a life, be it their own or someone else. He instils peace into the eyes of his worshipers.
Midlings to the god Donovitch, a being floating in the air opposite to Merich, bringing the sacrificed back to life. A lustful god creating undead for no reason other than amusement, not caring for their state after creation. He instils fulfillment into the body of his worshipers.
Many other gods exist in this plane, bringing temporary worship before the main gods do away with them, be it through war or murder, a peaceful conclusion had yet to be accomplished. Much like the gods, the beings of the world also have other forms.
Goblins fill the caves not owned by Dwarves, yet kept enslaved by the Dwarves and used to check caves for toxic fumes. Orcs fill landscapes not controlled by any other group, left alone they have an ability to change iron into a stronger alloy using their blood. Betwolves exist in any forest that isn’t regularly maintained, few groups have been brought in by the humans and are a part of their society. Redcaps build shrines atop of mountains, many theorize that they are simply goblins that worship an unknown god. Scalix inhabit both the swamps and deserts of Midlitch, split into two different groups, reds in deserts, and greens in swamps. Then, there are Kobolds.
Worthless in all fields, and used as cannon fodder by both gods and dragons. They’re able to reproduce quickly and tend to be used as food by carnivorous species as they are omnivores. They live in secluded parts of the world, and with dragons, worshiping them as gods. They are considered to be part dragon, but their history is closer linked to Scalix than dragons. Evolutionally they are a disaster, night vision, heat and cold resilience, and ability to climb on walls, yet are weak, near blind in light environments, most stick out like a sore thumb, and quite idiotic.
War was a common occurance, gods fight other gods in an attempt for worship. A god came from another world stealing the attention from Cthulhu while he slept, Humans in their worship built idols for the god known as Zeus. Upon Cthulhu’s wake, in anger he and Zeus fought a thousand year war. Both were equally matched in their strength, Zeus with his power of the skies, Cthulhu with his alteration of mind. Nearing the end of their war, Zeus was losing the war, and needed a way out. He looked to an elder dragon for a way out. The dragon’s word spoke true to the heart of Zeus, “The war will only end with the death of both parties, but can be prolonged until you are older, for a simple cost that you will have to pay later.”
Zeus in his desperate need for escape took the deal with the dragon, giving him a scepter, bridging reality and dream, a banishment that could lock them into slumber until one awakens them. He confronted Cthulhu in one last fight, using the scepter to tear a hole in the skies of Midlitch, ripping the two of them from reality, banishing them for all time.
As the tear in the skies started to close, a bolt of pure energy came crashing down, hitting a dragon’s hold, blasting through the solid matter, and stopping on a kobold den. A single egg took the full force of the bolt, not being destroyed, but changing. That egg upon hatching would spawn the only white kobold, who’s name is Marble.
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