“Marlene…” whispered a soft voice. Marlene awoke startled. No one was with her. She was alone in a dark alley besides a few street lanterns that gave the alley an eerie look. She pulled herself up and noticed her dress was stained with blood, only then did she feel pain shoot through her body. Marlene saw was looked like a nasty bullet wound but she had no memory on how she got the wound, let alone how could have ever ended up getting shot.
She pulled herself up to her feet and started to run.
When will this nightmare end? She thought to herself as she navigated through maze-like alleys. Meanwhile close by, a chase was well underway just a few streets over, on that cold, foggy, London night.
“Ring Master you bastard!” A man named Marcus shouted, firing his gun.
“you missed!” cackled the shadow of a man named Ring Master over several more explosions of gun fire.
“Why don’t you just turn yourself in!” Shouted Marcus, trying to balance on the roof they ended up on.
“Then where is the fun in that? It won’t be much of a game if turn myself in now would it?” Teased the mysterious man in the Plague Doctor’s mask and Ring Master outfit.
*Sir! Headquarters was attacked!* shouted one of marcus’ men. He looked away from the Ring Master for just a second to glance at one of the men of his unit and when he turned back, the Ring Master was gone.
Damn! Marcus thought, how long is he going to make me look like a fool!
Marlene was still trying to find her way to anywhere or recognize something when she came around the corner, coming face to face with a tall, dark figure. She was startled and fell backwards when she saw the dark figure’s mask
Standing in front of her was a man wearing a Ring Master outfit and around his head he wore a Doctor’s Plague mask with a worn leather top hat. In the shadows where he was standing gave an eerie look to him.
Marlene instinctively backed away.
“That wound looks pretty bad,” he spoke quietly, almost whispering. Suddenly bullets flew by both of them. Ring Master shoved the girl close to the alley wall near them, “looks like they found me again.” The man stated, he turned his gaze back to the small woman to see her reaction but she was gone. Marlene ran what felt like miles. She stopped when she felt she was a good enough distance away from where she met that man. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something dart out of the shadows; it wrapped around her left arm and flung her against the wall. Ring Master came out of the shadows holding what looked like a whip; she followed the line of the whip to end where it connected with her arm. She panicked as he approached her, inches away from her face.
“You’re a very hard girl to find,” he hissed. “It’s not safe for a young lady to wander by herself in this city at night.”
“I just want to go home!” she shouted, “I just want to wake up from this nightmare she said softly.
“Come with me,” said the man.
“Why should I go with you.” She spat angrily.
He jerked his whip, making Marlene jerk forward, “I’ll see to your safety, young miss.” The Ring Master was the last thing she saw after a pain shot through her neck and spine, making her hit the ground unconscious. The Ring Master towered over the small woman before picking her up and whisking her away.
When Marlene awoke she saw a man running towards her, “are you alright miss?”
“Yes,” she replied nervously, unsure of whether to trust the man.
“It’s me, Marlene, your brother; Marcus!” The man sitting next to her bed pleaded, holding her hands.
“I’m sorry, I can’t remember…” she started to say.
Marcus cut her off, “It’s alright, you’re safe now and that’s what matters.” Gathering his little sister up in his arms, reminding him of when he would pick her up when she had fallen when they were kids.
You’re safe.
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