Another morning of school; another night insomnia kept me up staring at my bedroom ceiling. Currently 4:30 a.m; I'm thinking about everything. In just two weeks, school is going to end...again. It's weird how I'm going to be a senior. I never thought I'd make it this far. I start thinking about my Junior year. The shittiest year I've had so far, but with my best friend Leo. It wasn't all that bad. We both had our ups and downs.
There was only two weeks left, It was Friday and today there was going to be a rally to celebrate the seniors, this year, who were leaving to become freshman again...then get a job...then get a family...then retire..then die. What's the point of any of it?!? Anyways; I don't really enjoy the rallies here at GearWood high. We're super boring. Go Bulls...I guess. I glance to the left and my alarm clock says 4:58 flip to 4:59. The start of my day gets closer by the second. My loud ass alarm clock was about to go off, but before it could; I quickly pulled the plug.
I get up from my bed and take a deep inhale then exhale, "I have two more weeks left." I tell myself, "I can do this.". I get up and smell my clothes. Searching for whatever is clean. Let's just say that I did a lot of sniffing. 20 minutes later, I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I'm a mess. I grab my wallet, backpack, and car keys as I head out my bedroom door. I immediately smell pancakes and bacon. My mom was up super early. I guess the diner needed her at this time.
Being the son of a cook at a diner is probably the best thing ever. My mother sure can make some mean ass eggs. I glanced over the railing of the stairs to see my father up also. He was a car salesman, he shouldn't be awake right now, but who would sleep during mom's cooking? I throw my backpack over the railing as it lands on the couch.
"Bulls eye!" I yelled. My mother and father see me run down the stairs.
"Hey, watch your step Henry Wilhelm!" She yelled, but it was too late. I didn't tie my shoes because the next thing I know; I'm rolling down the stairs. I land on my back in pain. My mother walks over to me and drops my lunch bag on my stomach, "Thanks mom," I wince in pain getting back up.
"Henry, this is the fifth time you've fell from those stairs. You tie those shoes properly or I'l buy your Velcros." She went back to flipping her pancakes.
"Well...maybe you should. It'll save me time from falling down the stairs AND tying my shoes." I tossed my lunch into my backpack and headed out. School starts in two hours, but I like to be there early. Gives Leo and I time to hangout. I say bye to my mother and father and get into my car. It was a piece of junk, but it was MY piece of junk. Once I turned the key; nothing happened. I tried it a few times, but still nothing. I get out the car and pop the hood open. There was no battery, but instead a note. From my father.
"Oh...shit." I murmured. I read the note as it said.
"Henry, I know you stole this battery from the neighbors. I spoke to Leo about it and you know he's a bad liar. Don't come back inside the house asking for a ride. Walk your ass to school."
I slammed the hood as loud as I can for my father to hear it. "Freakin.....dammit." I grabbed my backpack from the back of my car and started my three mile walk to school.
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