“Well...This wasn’t supposed to happ-” A loud bang shattered his sentence like it was made out of glass. In one second his body was off the ground, his arms outstretched like he was trying to grasp at something; only to grab the fiery air that seemed to surround him. His eyes were wide, laced with panic, as he stared at the debris and shrapnel that seemed to appear in front of him.
Time seemed to decline, an intimidating contrast to how fast it was actually going. He opened his mouth to shout, but nothing seemed to come out. It was as if someone had muted him from the world. This caused panic to set his body aflame. He realized that he had messed up; messed up pretty bad.
Messed up in such a way that he couldn’t even think of his other mistakes that had led him down here, down here in this dingy, dismal hole of a trap. He could have, should have, just left it to their jobs, but no, he wanted to do something for a change. Even if he did set up the bomb, it didn’t mean that he had to personally take care of it, that’s what the heroes are for. But they just had to force his hand into helping them, pinning his own teammates against him. They were more of a villain than he was, if he could even count himself a villain anymore.
As the shrapnels approached his body, with the fire almost swallowing him whole, and the debris that seemed to cloud everything but his mind, he could only think of one thing to say, whether it echoed inside his head or spilled out of his mouth:
“Fuck my life.”
With that simple sentence, the world went dark. Nothing, not even pain seemed to have hit him. It was like none of that had ever happened, only the way he seemed to be floating in nothing was an indication that he might have died just then and there. Well, maybe it was better to die, maybe it was easier. He didn’t really care for seeing those faces ever again.
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