Icey gusts of wind raised Marcus' hair when he and his drunk friends left the bar they were celebrating at. As Marcus headed to his car he heard a panicked scream from an alleyway behind him, it wasn't uncommon for the part of the city he was in, but he was torn as to whether he keeps his head down and walks on or helps. A desperate sob echoed through the darkness stopping him in his tracks. He couldn't walk away knowing he could have helped, he wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if he saw an article in the newspaper the next day about a woman killed in an alleyway. It was decided, he hesitantly and cautiously followed the shrill cries.
The muffled shrieks became clearer as he neared a corner. He took a deep breath, preparing himself before turning around the back of the building. "Hey! Let her go!" He demanded as he set his eyes on a scrawny, middle aged man pinning a petite girl to the wall and groping her. Upon hearing Marcus' shout, the man tangled his grimy fingers in her short, chestnut hair and yanked her from the wall and held her to his chest with a knife against her throat, only it wasn't a girl, it was a scared, young looking, man. "Look, I don't want any problems, but he is clearly upset and I think you should let him go, ok?" Marcus tried to reason with the man. He scoffed "I don't think so, I paid good money for this and you don't mind do ya sweetheart?" He asked the shorter man, pulling him closer, who whimpered softly. Marcus' jaw clenched as he painfully refrained from acting irrationally. When the boy didn't answer, the man added a little pressure to the knife causing him to take a sharp intake of breath and shake his head desperately as a tear cascaded down his cheek. "See? All is well." he sneered. "Let. Him. Go. Now." Marcus growled through gritted teeth, his patience was being tested and he already wanted to skin the bastard alive for what he'd already seen. "Or what? What are you gonna do? I can tell by your suit you don't belong here, so scram and let me enjoy what I paid for." It made Marcus' skin crawl the way this lowlife was talking about this boy as if he were an object. "You really don't wanna cross me. Last warning dickhead! Let him go!" he warned as he locked eyes with the man, glaring him down, challenging him. The man just smirked "No." he let his hand slide down the boys figure, traveling places it shouldn't. Marcus snapped, he pulled back his suit jacket, revealing his gun. The man's face paled as his eyes focused on the firearm. "Now!" Marcus repeated with fury behind his voice. The man started backing away towards another alleyway. Marcus took a cautionary step forward causing the man to freeze and hold the knife closer to the boys neck "Move and I'll slit his throat!" The man spat. "You'll be dead before you can do that!" Marcus retorted. The younger man was trembling, his face contorted and his delicate featured crumpled in fear. The cowardly man threw him forward before he scrambled away.
The boy laid on the cold, concrete floor holding his knee which was pricked with blood where he had hit the ground. Marcus hurried forward to help the him, but the boy's eyes widened and he cowered from him. "Hey, hey, it's ok, I won't hurt you, I promise." Marcus hushed the boy as he held out his pinky finger reinforcing his promise. The boy slowly looked up sceptically at him, then his gaze rested upon his finger. Hesitantly, he offered his own little finger out, shakily wrapping it around Marcus', he smiled gently at the boy who smiled back, they both let out the air they were withholding in anticipation. "My name is Marcus." he broke the silence. "Sam... m-my name is Sam." the boy stuttered out slowly gathering his confidence. Marcus sighed happily, he was glad Sam was starting to trust him. "Well Sam, how about we get you somewhere safe? Where's home?" Sam's smile fell and his eyebrows knitted together. He suddenly found his hands very interesting. "I, um... don't really... have a home..." he sniffled trying to hold back his tears and embarrassment. Marcus felt a pang in his heart, he felt a sudden need to protect him, make him smile. He shook his head, dismissing his thoughts. He was being stupid, he had only just met the guy. "Well... You can stay with me for now, until you find somewhere... um, if that's what you want." The young man looked up in utter shock, he stared into Marcus' eyes in disbelief, before he launched himself at him, attacking him in a hug. "Thank you." He whispered as his tears fell.
The roaring of the engine made Sam flinch as Marcus started the car. He muttered a sorry as he pulled out of the parking space. As they drove through the dimly lit, city streets the only sounds to be heard were the thrumming of the car and the shuffling of Sam's feet. Marcus was so focused on the road it took him a few moments to notice Sam's muffled crying. "Hey, hey, are you ok? What's wrong?" He winced, everything was wrong, he had almost been raped and now he is in a car with a complete stranger, with a gun. A sob erupted from deep within Sam's chest upon being asked, he didn't know how to answer. He didn't think he had ever been ok, or ever would be. He had spent his whole life living in shame and misery, and so had his mother. He had never known happiness, he had never known what a loving embrace felt like, only the scolding grip of greedy, disgusting men who used his body for sex, then left him to cry himself into restless sleep. "I-I can't do this anymore..." He whispered "I don't think I'll ever be ok Marcus..." his voice shook and his lip trembled as he fought to hold back the tears. Marcus felt a pain in his chest. He wasn't one to feel sympathetic, but he had the urge to hold the distraught boy in his arms and shelter him from the cruel world his innocence had been exposed to. He cleared his throat and tried to comfort the boy "It's gonna be alright, all of this will just seem like a bad dream in the morning." he turned his gaze back to the road ahead, but he didn't miss Sam muttering under his breath "I wish a nights sleep could erase my years of torture..." he hugged his legs to his chest as he watched the city lights flash by. Marcus felt his chest grow heavy knowing that Sam had endured years of nights like that night, he swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to relieve the tightness in his chest with a slow exhale. He couldn't imagine how traumatised the poor boy must have been, how broken he must have felt, how... alone.
They pulled up infront of a massive, brightly lit club. Sam stared in awe, admiring the bright lights and art. He was brought out of his daze as Marcus got out of the car, Sam swiftly scurried to catch up with him. He sent a glance back at the car confused as to why he had left the car at the front of the club, he then crashed into someone, he fell to the floor with a thud. "Hey, watch it, twig!" a tall, lean woman with a septum piercing was looking down on him, in disgust. "I'm s-sorry!" Sam stuttered out. The woman looked him up and down, then bent down slightly, to Sam's level "Just scram! You clearly don't belong here." she sneered as she flicked her florecent, pink hair over her shoulder. Sam scrambled to his feet and ran, glancing back, hoping she wouldn't follow him. He once again bumped into someone, but that time someone caught him, "Come on Sam, watch where you're going ok? There's a lot of people." Marcus then handed his car keys to a smartly dressed man, in a tux "Put it in the back lot, Judas." The man replied with "Yes sir." and a curt nod before turning and marching towards Marcus' car. Sam watched the exchange in wonder "Who are you?" he muttered his thoughts aloud. "I own this place." Marcus replied as he sauntered into the club, Sam stood in shock for a millisecond before racing to catch up. "Wait! So, you own this whole place!? Wow... So, do you live here?" He gushed in awe. Marcus chuckled in amusement at his eagerness. "Yes... and so do you, for now." he answered with a smirk as he opened the double doors at the front of the building.
Sam's eyes lit up in amazement, he was absorbed in the bright lights and vibrant colours. He was mesmerized by the elegent movements of the showgirls, his ears tingled with the warmth of the smooth swing playing from the massive stage. He couldn't decide whether to watch the exotic dancers or the enticing stunts the barman did with his tools. A smile grew on his face, he would never have dreamed to visit a place like this in his whole life, he let out a breath of sheer disbelief. Sam's gaze danced around the room, Marcus found his reaction endearing, he felt a grin on his face and a warm feeling swelling in his heart. When he realised that he quickly shook it off and interupted Sam's moment "Come on, let's go." he whispered into Sam's ear making him squirm, before turning on his heel and making his way towards the grand staircase, a flustered Sam following him like a lost puppy.
When they reached the third floor Marcus lead Sam down a narrow hallway pointed out rooms until he stopped in front of a door. "And this is your room." he said softly pushing it open. Sam stared at the room with just as much wonder as he had downstairs, his room. He bit his lip trying to hold his tears of joy in. He turned to Marcus and wrapped his arms around him and sobbed a thank you into his chest. Marcus stood in shock and confusion before slowly returning the hug, enjoying it's warmth and the strange, safe feeling he had.
Sam took a step into his room and collapsed on to the bed, he was engulfed in a feeling of pure bliss, it was incredibly comfortable, but then again anything beat cold concrete. Marcus interupted his thoughts "I'll have some clothes brought for you. Um, any requests?" Sam didn't know what to ask for, he'd never really been asked what he wanted before, he hesitantly shook his head. Marcus nodded and left him to get settled. Sam sat in amazement for a few more minutes. He had his own room, he had a proper roof over his head, a proper bed. There was no cold draft, no screams keeping him awake. He had a... friend and a... home.
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