Mr. Lux straightens his glimmering tie, “Hello class. I hope you’ve had a nice summer. However, today is the third day of school & I need all of you to buckle down & start acting like it. All right? All right. Now to our first matter, the fundamentals of magic.” Jacqueline’s eyes glaze over & her head slides off her hand. Her forehead slams against the desk, sending a thump echoing through the classroom.
Cecil turns to Jacqueline & nudges her shoulder. He whispers, “Jacki get up,” a few times but it doesn’t do anything.
Mr. Lux directs his attention toward them. “Mr. Jones is it?” Cecil nods. “Okay mister Jones. No need to attempt to wake her. I’ve got it covered.” He holds his hands up & an orb of light appears. He flicks his wrist toward Jacqueline & the orb rushes toward her. As it makes contact with her skin, it’s absorbed into her body.
Jacqueline starts convulsing & then shoots up. Her eyes are covered by a bright white light & lets out a violent scream. She kicks the bottom of her desk & she flips her chair over on her back. Her Occipital Fin smashes against the hardwood & she heaves.
“Oh Aelus, this bad.” Cecil kneels down & lightly shakes Jacqueline. “Jackie are you okay?”
Mr. Lux straightens his tie again, “That’ll teach her not to fall asleep in my class.”
Jacqueline whispers, “Cecil...”
Cecil’s face illuminates, “Yeah! What?”
“Hand me a book please.”
Cecil puts one eyebrow up in confusion, “What?” He pauses & his expression shifts into understanding, “Jackie, you probably shouldn’t.”
“Cecil,” she pauses, “please hand me a book.” She grits her teeth as she says it.
Cecil deliberates for a moment before he sighs & says, “Yeah sure here ya go.” He stands up, grabs a book & drops it next to Jacqueline.
“Mr. Jones, would you please return to your seat. There’s no need to tend to her. She’ll be okay.” Jacqueline grabs the desk behind hers. A slap makes her hand slip a little, but she tightens her grip.
“Let go of my desk, creep.” But Jacqueline couldn’t care less what anyone thought. Her head throbbed with an intense pain & an even more intense anger. As she pushes herself up, her fingers wrap around the book.
A smug sneer makes its way onto his face. “Well well well, the bedbug joined us once again.” Jacqueline concentrates her magic into her fingertips. Her fingers glow a scarlet red which seeps into the book. She pulls back her arm. “Maybe that’ll teach you not to sle-”
Jacqueline launches the book directly at his face. It collides with his face, smashing his nose. Blood explodes out of his nostrils as he collapses backward. He slams against the blackboard & slumps on the desk. The entire class gasps & one girl runs out saying, “Principal Whilhaem!”
Jacqueline turns & puts her hand on Cecil’s shoulders, “Cecil, we gotta.”
“Jackie,” Cecil pinches the bridge of his nose & groans, “Alright fine.” They shoot up & dash out of the classroom
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