Sometimes, I feel myself... somehow scared at all times... like someone or something is following me... maybe it's all a dream. Who knows?
I wake up on a sunny morning to see a gift box on my desk. It was from my best friend, Hana. There was a letter attached to it. It read:
"Dear Himari,
Theres something coming.. I can feel it booming through my system! We must become idols!"
"Oh Hana..." I murmured to myself. "Hana always loves idols, so now she wants to become one? Oh well.."
I opened the gift carefully, as I felt a pressure that I could drop whatever was inside and it would break. Then I heard something crack inside the box and I gasped.
To my relief, it was the side of the box that cracked open, and out came a doll. It was a doll of my favorite idol, Sakura.
"It's a Sakura doll!! It's beautiful!" I shouted. I thought about the plan of becoming an idol, and I decided to start. "I'm going to become an idol... today!" I said, and I started the challenge, racing out my bedroom door.
Himari Mochizuki, a 16 year old girl that attends Hikari academy. One day, a mysterious girl approached her and now she forever has these crazy powers. Can she find out what the powers can do?
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