He sprinted as fast as his lanky legs could take him, the repetitive sound of rain finally stopped pounding against his eardrums as he entered the large building. The loud squeak his soaked sneakers caused against the rubber floor was almost completely drowned out within the halls of banter and gossip. The zipper on his backpack had been broken for months now, the items inside the worn bag that he'd been using for six grades straight threatened to fall out as he bolted for the library. Usually, avoiding people was a skill of his but as he burst his way down the busy hallway, he severely doubted that “skill”. As if on cue, a kid much shorter than him with deep shadows under his eyes collided directly with his left side. He held himself like he was ready to throw a punch at anyone at any given time. The knockback of the collision only seemed to affect one of the two, the taller almost thrown back to the lockers. As the smaller growled, a crash of thunder came from outside, easily heard even from the confines of the school. The noise seemed to remove some of the anger from the kid's face, quickly replaced by fear. He glanced at his hands with wide eyes before quickly closing them and faintly shaking his head. The larger of the two only caught a slight glimpse of his expression before the sleep-deprived kid made a beeline for the double doors he'd come through mere moments ago. He looked very.. pained?
He swore to himself as the intruding ring of the bell echoed through the school. Now with a new destination, he rushed down the gradually emptying hallway towards the first class of the period. Before reaching the correct classroom, he heard a distinctly familiar voice echo through the decreasing amounts of students.
“-dude! Kan! I thought we were supposed to meet up before class! What happened?” As the tuft of dirty blond hair came into view, he couldn't help but grin. His old friend, Corey, had managed to seek him out. Of course, his ears suffered a little because of that but it was always nice to see him.
“Look, man, I tried- I really did- but my dad refused to drive me, this stormed started up, and this jer-” His terrible explanation was rudely interrupted by Mr. Roycia, their English teacher. Both were hurriedly shoved into the room before class begun. He guesses “screaming”, as Mr. Roycia put it, outside the man's classroom right before class was “disrespectful”.
Lunch was surprisingly peaceful, you could hear the slight pitter patter of the rain outside, which was oddly calming now. Kan perched at the closest table to the door, very quickly followed by Corey, who almost knocked his chair over with how fast he was going. He most certainly wasn't in shape, even if he looked it, clasping onto the cafeteria table as he caught his breath.
“Ka-” A short breath in. “Kan- You-” Kan was very tempted to let a small laugh out, although he'd be quite the hypocrite.
“This must be real important, I've never seen you run that fast.” He let a chuckle free, no real malicious intent behind it.
Corey's wheezing visibly slowed in order to get proper words out as he tightened his grip on the glassed-over table the two'd been sitting at since middle school. His amused grin dropped at the sight of his friend's face. Alarm was the only emotion Kan was able to make out behind Corey's eyes. He seemed genuinely terrified. His breathing still quite heavy, his voice shifted to a harsh whisper. “Outside- Parking lot- Glowing eyes- Lightning-?”
“Core, slow down, I can't understand a word you're-”
“Percikan Lee Kipina,” He started. “I just saw- A kid with motherfucking super powers- In the school parking lot-” The boy's chest never stopped heaving but the words he managed seemed clearer than ever.
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