I was dieing alone in a hospital bed no one to hold my hand or smile at me. I hated the live I was gaining and I wasn't going died here. I got out of bed slowly I walk out of my room. No one saw me or took little notices because everyone here was dieing. I was just about to leave the ward when a teenager stopped me. I looked at him and to my surprise he gave me ten pounds and a hoodie and said "you need them more then me".
He was right where was going I need to get a bus if I walk it would be too late. I walk to the bus stop just outside the hospital. I thought someone would stop me but no one did. I got on the bus the bus driver ask me where I was going I told about a temple I went to once.
He said he only knew one and its near he told me he wouldn't tell anyone if I add a pound to the pay. I agree and gave him five pounds I seat at the back. As the bus drove past the hospital. I could just see a bunch of nurses looking for me, but I was already gone.
The bus driver wake me up I didn't know more much time as past. But I got off the bus and started to climb the stairs. There were a lot of them i continued to walk even know I was exhausted. I final got to the top blood was coming out of my mouth. I was dieing I drag myself to the temple.
I seat up on the pier and I was dead I felt cold and I couldn't feel any pain. Just then I heard footsteps. They stop right in front of me I couldn't see very well but I think it was a boy. The boy bent over and said "you are dead but if you want to live I can do that all you have to is be my little brother".
I strained at him then with all my strength I reached out he took my hands bit his tongue. The blood dripped in to my mouth I suddenly went very hot. I felt pain it felt like my inside were on fire. I wanting it to stop the boy grabbed me hand tightly.
"Little brother wake up your hurting my hand. I open my eyes in fornt of me was a boy with strange looking eel on his shoulder. Next him was a girl who looked like the grim reaper and just behind I could see a wolf woman.
The demons boy spoke" hi I need your help to fit in with human". "Oh right let me introduce you to Viva is the grim reaper, Adolfina is the wolf girl and i am Kaplan the demon prince". I looked up and down he was actually hot in his human form.
I blushed Kaplan noticed "are you gay" he asked. I went bright red and said without thinking "no am not thirteen yet". "Wait their a age limit" he said, "no" I said going reder. "That it I order you to be gay" he asked "HUH?".
My name is Rauol and am the young brother of the soon coming demon king. To show him what earth is like but with one problem my brother wants me to be gay when I don't know what I am yet but I still love him
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