(CW: WARNING! This book contains disturbing actions, language, and situations! Such disturbing content includes: SA, Murder, Self Harm, Suicide, Child Death, Horror, Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Ablism, Offensive Language in general none of you are safe, Home Invasions, Blood & Gore, Genocide, Will Bending [equivalent to SA], a lot of anti-human shit, all of the above being committed by both Major Characters and Antagonists! This book will be dark and suspenseful, so please do not read it if you are uncomfortable with these topics and situations!)
Pardon this being a two parter. I write lengthy shit and the character limit is the bane of my talkative ass.
There exists a place of miraculous nature. A universe as small as a solar system with only one star. Gravity only pulled objects downwards, creating vast seas of dark matter that set island worlds afloat across an ocean of darkness. All corners of this universe were filled with countless worlds floating across the Dark Seas, brimming with life of all kinds.
This universe was called Eden.
Throughout the many worlds, there existed mortal beings called the Kindred; seven races in total that inhabited the furthest corners of Eden. They were all diverse and beautiful under the light of their star. They prospered together for a time that could only be described as an eternity, until the Cataclysm occurred.
The very fabrics of reality trembled throughout all of Eden as a black and gold tower that was millions of miles wide and infinitely tall appeared at the very center of the star, sundering it to dust and gas, leaving the cold ominous glow of the tower the only source of light. A wave of black fog flooded from the Tower, and seven beings of horrific make, each bearing golden eyes, appeared around it, voicing their hatred for the structure. They damned the wretched Tower and looked upon Eden, sensing the pain and suffering of the Kindred Races as the black fog swept their worlds. The Tower will soon take away the same treasures from the Kindred as it did these seven. They refused to let such suffering transpire, so they chose to save the Kindred.
By making their deaths quick.
The Kindred cried out in horror, many tearing out their own eyes at the sight of the seven beings. Their forms were disgusting, visual embodiments of sin itself violating the once beautiful skies with their presence. None of the Kindred knew such sick depravity could sully their minds with just a glance, making them beg for the sweet death that was promised to them.
No other path was more tempting.
"Kill us!" They begged, their arms outstretched to the seven beings. Blood flowed from their eyes, their ears, and their mouths as the horrors before them violated their senses. "Dash our skulls upon the rocks at our feet! Rend our hearts like you have broken our minds and make them beat no longer! Usher us unto oblivion!"
The seven beings raised their hands out and granted them their salvation. The flooding darkness changed to a purple hue and hastened its journey across the universe from the Tower. From the darkness, horrific beasts appeared in all manner of macabre forms. Birds made of rotted flesh riddled with maggot-like grubs eating away at them. Hounds with sharp jagged talons with their entrails dragging from their bellies, and boils filled with blood and acidic pus under their fur that grew and bursted open without end every few seconds. Humanoid deer with gnarly sharp teeth and howled agonized cries filled to the brim with terror and ever changing voices, echoing the last words of victims long past. Many more ghastly beasts appeared. Their forms were nigh endless, never ending in their depravity and shameful instincts. But no matter their shapes or sizes, they all bore beastly golden eyes that glowed a stark , just like their masters. Yet all who looked upon those eyes saw a hint of longing buried beneath. These beasts were called the Godsbane, powerful undead creatures brought back to life by volatile darkness.
The Godsbane headed the command of their seven masters and swept across Eden in a frenzy. They tore through city streets, ripping Kindred to shreds where they stood. Some Godsbane broke into homes and committed unthinkable atrocities against hiding families, but would melt into steaming puddles of liquid flesh when their masters discovered their heinous crimes. Most of the time one or two Kindred survived these home invasions, shaking in a corner while covered in the visceral of their loved ones, and a new Godsbane would soon come to finish off their now catatonic meal. The Godsbane were in every corner of Eden within half an hour. Their speed and strength were unmatched. They regenerated from every injury inflicted upon them, they could mutate rapidly, growing new appendages and enhancing their bodies to better chase down their prey. Most horrifying of all, some Godsbane wielded magic. The Kindred never knew such a craft existed, but to see their friends and families set ablaze, torn in half by plants, or impaled by rising stones; it instilled a harrowing fear in them that told them all hope was lost.
But then, the dark depths of the sea were split apart around the Tower as a terrifying monster roared out. The Godsbane all trembled in fear as the force of the roar caused the air across all of Eden to ripple and thunder. A long onyx and crimson wingless dragon rose up around the Tower, his unfathomable length wrapping around the Tower dozens of times. The dragon looked upon the seven beings with a murderous gaze that made most of them nearly falter in fear. His eyes were unlike anything the Kindred had ever seen. The iris of his left eye was crimson blood red with scarlet lightning and glittering particles floating about within, while his right eye was the same beastly gold as the Godsbane. With every turn of the beast's head, the particles in his left eye moved from view like his eye was a window into another dimension.
Then a person appeared on the dragon's nose, a man with a powerful aura that commanded the respect of all who would look upon him. He was missing his left arm with burn marks running up the left side of his neck and wore a fiery green scarf that absorbed the dark clouds from hundreds of miles around himself. He emanated a jade fiery radiance around himself. His warm gentle jade light and embers cleansed the darkness around him. The iris of his right eye was golden and monstrous just like the Godsbane, but his left eye was emerald green with embers drifting within. Besides him appeared two women, one was a Seraph with glowing blue and silver wings of light that shined even brighter than the man, and her left eye was sky blue with beams of light refracting within like it were a finely cut jewel. The other woman was a Demon and held a dark aura around her, bearing two horns upon her forehead and a thin leathery tail swaying from her lower back. Her left eye was a bright vibrant magenta with particles that moved from view whenever she turned her head, but they always remained exactly where she left them like they were stars in a night sky.
The man stepped forward and casted a cold gaze upon all of Eden.
“Enough of this." He said as he raised his hand above himself. A jade wisp appeared above him as he reached up as he whispered a short incantation. All Life in Eden suddenly felt a pang within themselves, like the deepest and most primal parts of themselves were roused awake. They all found themselves looking up to the Man, their hands reaching out to him. In that moment, the Seven Beings sensed something they never thought possible. They felt as though the invisible hand of every creature in Eden was converging with the Man's like they were all one singular entity reaching out someplace higher, someplace better than this. Then, as the wisp was just within the man's hand, he looked up at his hand and grasped the wisp.
Suddenly an emerald green fire shot out in a sphere around him. The fire was a mesmerizing sight. All who looked upon it, even the Seven Beings and the Godsbane, were left without words as the flames shined, glistened, and danced on its journey across all of Eden. It summoned a choir of voices, chimes, and bells that sang a soothing melody, a dulcet lullaby that would usher clarity to even the most ravished of minds. It was like seeing the morning light for the first time in years, fresh and new, promising the one thing all living beings yearned for since the dawn of time; Salvation.
The flames reached past the Seven Beings, making them cry out in agony as it scorched their tainted flesh. The pain sobered them from their trance, reminding them that they had been denied Salvation long ago by the Tower's cruel schemes. Every Godsbane in Eden gazes upon the blazing emerald fire burning before them in a trance. The sky across almost all of Eden was black and empty, but the sky around the four mysterious figures transitioned from hues of black to purple, blue, then breathtaking rays of jade and orange like a morning sky. At the center of this sunrise, the man was like a jade star that beckoned to all who looked upon him. His fire beckoned even the souls of long and newly departed Kindred, the fiery Wisps that were their souls appeared from seemingly nothing and flew out towards the man. They encircled him and his companions in elegant loops and curls, creating endless soft hues of colors that lit up the sky even further.
The Godsbane all across Eden reached out to the man. Their rotting flesh burned under the colorful light that bathed them, but they felt no pain. They all felt warm for the first time in an eternity, the dark primal instincts that plagued their minds finally washed away. The sharp pupils of their golden eyes rounded out, and the longing buried beneath was replaced with that of relief. They all whispered"Save us." to the Man and the wave of emerald fire engulfed all of them, burning away their flesh in an instant, each Godsbane leaving behind a single jade ember flying off upon the wind before fading into nothingness.
The Godsbane were purged from Eden.
The man turned his gaze to the Seven Beings. His gaze was cold and indifferent, but he remained alert and ready for whatever the Beings may try.
“I don't disagree with your answer to all of this.” He said. The Seven Being casted him bewildered looks, but readied themselves to fight him. They were determined to end the suffering the Tower brought about. They spent endless years fighting against it, trying to find a solution to end its destruction, to avenge the loved ones they lost to it. But one of them held slightly different motives. The strongest and largest of them with a dark aura bearing the visage of a wolf hated the Dragon and the Demon. He wanted them dead and forgotten more than anything. The idea of their existence filled him with disgust in himself and contempt for every person who sullied his devotion to the person he lost to the wretched Tower.
“I wish I could end this suffering the same way. Everything would be so much easier that way. We are in the final moments of all existence, after all. But it doesn't have to be that way anymore.” The man placed his hand over his chest. From beneath his hand, green flames rose up and coiled around it, enveloping his fingers like vines. The flames were soft, warm, and all life craved its gentle touch. “Within me lies the lost link in the chain. With this, the Natural Cycle will no longer end with all things fading to oblivion. If you let go of your reservations against us and agree to an alliance, I vow that I will give you all back your reasons to live. We can create a paradise that not even the Tower can take away from us, and we can find a way to free ourselves of its wretched existence. Or at the very least you can leave us be, and we can both work independently to destroy the Tower. You must leave the natives of this universe to us, however. We, the Sovereign Heirs, will take it upon ourselves to make their final days worth living… Make your choice, or else I will be forced to declare war against all seven of you.”
"How dare you? Do you actually think you can stand against us?!” The largest of the Beings roared. His voice cracked under his rage and grief, and the air around him turned to golden cinders that burned into the fabrics of reality, eating away at existence and spreading like embers on paper. He conjured up a large sword and a giant metal shield. Volatile energy pooled into the sword, coating the sharp edges in glowing black and golden particles. The other Beings shrunk away from their leader, knowing too well the burning touch of his steel. The man stared at the Being, unfazed by his overwhelming power. Their difference in strength was undeniable. The man knew that before him was the strongest organism in all of existence. No. Before him was no such thing. The Seven Beings before him weren't organisms. They were gods. Tainted Gods. “Your lot is no better than the Race of Sinners! You're just as arrogant, naive, and despicable if you think we would fall for your empty promise of Salvation. The one I loved will never return to me! No god could ever hope to bring him back, let alone the people we all lost to the Race of Sinners! We lost our reason to live and are never coming back from what we've become..!”
The Being readied a strike that would kill the four abominations before him. He would rectify the mistake of their existence.
With this one strike, he will make amends for his sins.
The Dragon, Demon, and Seraph all readied themselves. The Dragon's maw radiated red and black lightning, crackingling with power equal to the Being before him. The Demon conjured a black and purple scythe as the Seraph's wings turned to prismatic light and transformed into twelve straight edge swords that flew around her in fluid movements. But the Man raised his hand up, stopping his companions from engaging in combat.
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