dan da dooodo dan da dooodo dan da dooodo
I swear im going to shoot that damn alarm clock, it gives off the most annoying sound in the world. At first, it was nice and kinda started my day off on a good note. Now it signals the worst part of my morning, getting up. God, I wish I was a morning person but at the same time. Morning people is what I aspire to be. I move my arm out and start rapidly hitting my side table. I keep missing the button which should be impossible considering how small my side table is. Finally, I got that stupid thing to shut up. I drag my arm back under the warm covers and cuddle my cow. I can never fall asleep without hugging something and since I am single AF this giant plush cow is my snuggle buddy. I started contemplating playing a dangerous game and closing my eyes to get ten extra minutes of sleep. Pros ten extra minutes. Cons might be late and will have to repeat this whole process. I decided that the cons were greater than the pros and rolled out of bed.
This was the worst part of getting up, leaving the warmth of my blanket. I only really slept in girl boxer shorts and nothing else. I firmly believe in freeing my tits and letting them take a breather. The girls needed some time away from the cheap sports bras anyway. As I sat up the sun was coming in through the window why were the curtains open? I need to exist in a dimly lit room with no happiness what so ever, okay that was dramatic, but you get what im saying. As a teenager, I slept with the blinds closed so it can feel like night time at any time of the day.
I push my blanket off and put my foot on the soft small carpet. I always have had a thing for texture and how something feels. The rug is fuzzy and I sink my toes into it being careful not to touch the cold floor around it.
I looked over at my roommate Danielle. She was tall like a model, which funny enough was her actual job. She had been in catalogs and plenty of fashion shows. I believe that her dad is a doctor and her mother is an ex-supermodel. I never really asked too many questions about the girl. We have this relationship where we don't really care about each other and im fine with it. I prefer to have a good distance between us. Her brown hair swept down her naked back it looked soft and warm. My hand absently goes to my shoulder. Its covered in small white slivers that are the scars left over from hot oil. I was working in a kitchen one summer and saw someone trip with it burning oil. Without thinking I had jumped in front of them to save their face from scarring.
Danielle shifted around and looked at me with sleepy brown eyes. Those eyes were usually big and beautiful but right now they were narrowed at me. Those big full lips were frowning and I could guess what the cause was, she hated the alarm too.
"Good morning sweetheart"
I cooed at her sarcastically. There was nothing sweet about this girl who was now glaring at me. She only cared about one thing and that was herself. I smirked at her. It was very obvious that Danielle had a rough night and barely had any sleep. There were huge bags under her eyes and her hair was in disarray. She obviously had a hangover. I almost felt bad for her but then again she always did this to herself.
" You might want to put those away"
she grumbled at me and looked at my breasts.
"why? you've seen them before"
Normally she would just turn over and try to go back to sleep not tell me what to do. I was kind of annoyed with this unneeded and what seemed to be motherly change. That's when I saw a hand snake up from her hip to her stomach. It seems someone much bigger was snuggled up next to her. I couldn't see much but there was a man-sized lump under Danielle's blankets.
I then felt way less tired as I came to the realization that there were three people in here, instead of two. I jumped out of bed and quickly (not so quietly) attempted to get my clothes on. I decided on black leggings and a white long sleeved shirt. I was going for classic and boring, I don't like my clothes to stand out when im going to school, the attention is annoying. Danielle walked behind me and swiped an oversized shirt and shorts.
"whos the unlucky guy"
I turn around and smirked at her while raising my eyebrows. She just smiled and leaned against her dresser while crossing her arms. Danielle was the type of woman that loved attention and especially for one night. She got what she wanted and it seemed that no one man could satisfy her. In her wake, she left a slew of crying boys. One time a boy had come to pick her up for her date, he had flowers and had really cleaned up. It turned out she was screwing some random guy when the poor boy knocked on the door. Long story short he heard everything and I came home from the gym and had to ask the poor dude to leave.
"It's not like that this time. We didn't even have sex"
Her face contorted in an extremely ugly way. She was going to end up with wrinkles if I let this continue. With that thought, I paused for a good five seconds. Everyone needs something ugly about them and Danielle's was going to be wrinkles. I snickered to myself before saying
"There seems to be a guy in your bed and you didn't have sex?"
She always scored and I usually saw the guys that would end up notched on her bedpost. It didn't occur to me that this may be an exception
"Well, I was partying with a friend and asked him back to my dorm. He misunderstood the whole thing. I stripped and then he was already asleep."
If I was a lesser person I would have burst out laughing. This was the first time I have ever heard of anyone denying the famous Danielle, aspiring Model/ clothing designer. She saw the shocked and pleased look on my face and stuck her tongue out.
"Put that dirty thing back in your mouth, I don't want to breathe in anything dangerous."
Danielle got this look on her face. It was obvious she wasn't offended but she hated the fact I disrespected her. She was a year older than I and she thought seniority ruled. Too bad she got stuck with the sassiest roomie around. I never hold my tongue when it comes to her. She was about to retort and say something before she was cut off by
"Wow Annet, how are you so charming in the morning?"
I was still looking at Danielle when I heard that annoying voice. Please say that the lump wasn't who I thought it was. Dear God I promise to go to church. I'll behave and stop saying damn so much if it isn't who I think it is. Danielle gave me a lopsided smile and I knew that I hadn't been wrong in my assumption.
"James Taylor what in the damn hell are you doing in my room"
"Now Annie, that's no way to treat a guest"
I turned my head to see the universities biggest player. James Taylor. The smug looking man was now sitting up in bed and staring right at me.
"Morning sunshine, how did you sleep?"
He yawned after he said that. Danielle smiled slightly. I wanted to kill both of them.
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