My name is Lukas, Lukas Hauser and as you can probably already tell, I'm just your typical everyday office worker, I'm paid less money than my other colleagues because my supervisor and superiors all tell me that I look too average with no unique traits and features. I don't really take those comments seriously because I could only care less on what other people think of me. My main focus is only to get the job done so I can get my pay, and the sooner I get it, the better, considering that I have rents and bills to pay. Not only that, food is also a must for me, I can't survive without them, I mean, that much is logical right?
While it may be true that I don't have any family, I'm still trying to manage my life and survive on this hell-hole called 'Earth', and get through this torturous and continous cycle of 'life'. And considering that I'm paid less, I usually end up working the extra hour to gain abit more income. That has been my life for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality it's been around 20 years since I started working here. Never got promoted, never even got considered for any higher positions, I was forced to stay in the same place, same position with the same amount of salary that I got when I first started working here.
I just want to have a better life honestly, a life without me having to struggle, without having to face anyone above me, but who am I kidding right? Nothing like that exists, not even a miracle can fix this broken life of mine. I always over-think about it, like, why must my life be this boring? Why must it be a dead-weight to me? Why couldn't I have been born into a better family with people who actually care about me? Well, only god would know the answer to that question.
I really shouldn't be complaining too much when I have a pile of work to finish, might also need to take more than an overtime for this.
"Well, time to pull an all-nighter." I would now say.
I say that carelessly, but can I really do it? I mean, finishing this work before morning hits that is. Well, nothing can help me get more energized besides coffee right? I'm sure of it. With that out of the way, I should start drinking these coffee and begin doing my work.
I would now do so, and up to this point, I've probably drank around a dozen of these coffee, they're tasty as hell but not good for my health and it's already been 4 hours since I started doing my work and I'm already feeling drowsy, and I think I'm about to puke.
"GREEEEGHHHH!" I would now hold in my vomit, mainly because I want to finish my work. I don't need any distractions for now.
I continued my work as usual, but I can feel my insides slowly turning off due to the lack of sleep. For these past few weeks I haven't slept one bit due to the sole reason that I'm being bombarded with paperwork and organizing files. What a trashy job. But there's no way around it if I want to get my share of money.
As time went on, my tempo would slowly drop.
My eyes would get heavier.
And my body would begin giving up.
However, I must not stop, I must work harder, I must get through this. I stick by my morals and never cross them ever. With this new encouragement, I slowly began increasing my work-tempo, steadily increasing the speeds at which I complete each paperwork, I didn't stop one bit, NOT even one whole singular bit did I stop. I kept going and going and going until my body, organs, muscles and eyes eventually gave up on me.
I now laid there, on my desk, passed out from all the workload without even completing it. There I was, snoring loudly and carelessly, as if I didn't have a single worry in the world. Well, honestly, what can I do at this situation? I'm not able to move my body so I might as well just take this chance to have a rest and hopefully my boss won't get mad at me by the time morning hits. I'll just continue working when I have the chance, no need to rush, right?
Well, here goes.
I now slowly shut my eyes tight, slowly succumbing to this horrid yet comfortable position. It was warm and cozy. I felt like I didn't want to wake up right now, I would give up anything in the world to experience this once more if I ever get the chance again.
As time went on, I felt like I had already been sleeping for hours. I decided that I should continue my work, everyone must be looking at me weirdly right now as I sleep, so funny, right? Well, I really don't care. Time to wake up, me.
With the need to wake up to finish work, I gracefully opened my eyes, and to my suprise I was blinded by such a bright light. When the light began to clear off from the receptor of my eyes, I now began to see gold and silver coated ceilings, and gates towards my left and right torso? As if I was in a cradle?
"What the hell is happening?" I now thought to myself.
"My office was never this fancy though?" I continued.
"And my body...WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE I'VE SHRUNK?!" I now continued my sentences in a suprised and startled tone.
I was confused, suprised and shocked at the same time on what's happening before my eyes right now, my body felt as if it shrunked, my hands and feet are tiny, and somehow I'm in this cradle-looking thing. Like, what am I suppose to do in this situation? I can't magically grow bigger...Wait, maybe this is just a dream? Maybe I'm just dreaming of a luxurious life, no? This cant't be real right? Something like this is just not possible, no matter how much you think about it. Not even science can explain this, so in conclusion, it must be a dream.
Minutes later, I was so damn wrong. I couldn't wake up, couldn't even move 2 inches without getting tired. I can't believe my eyes right now, did I just get transported to another world? No, did I just get REBORNED into this world? My mind is currently being clouded with questions I never knew I would ask myself. But, considering that the ceiling looks this fancy, maybe I was born into a rich family? Just maybe there's a chance? Hopefully I do, because if so, I wouldn't have to struggle doing labour much longer.
After muttering my thoughts to myself endlessly, two figures approached me.
One looked to be of a man with a toned and big build that stood at around the height of 6'8", he looked...docile, calm and old. He had this silver long hair followed through with a magnificent beard, and he's wearing a crown? Maybe he's the king? But though he looks old enough to be my grandfather, wait, maybe he is?
The other one was a woman, she was elegant, beautiful, young and brought out this warmth of an aura wherever she went, as if she was a mother. Her long silkish black hair extended to her waist and every gesture and movement she made was so graceful. Maybe she's my mother?
I looked at both of them sparkled-filled eyes, my gaze was fixated on them, I was trying to anticipate who is who.
"My dearest Son, you look so handsome and cute! Like your father." The same woman would now say with her elegant voice whilst smiling.
She now slowly moved her hands towards my torso, and began to gracefully pick me up.
"Don't you think so, Heinreicht? This boy will someday grow to be great and handsome and strong like you." She now said this with her soothing voice.
"Yes, I really think so too Rosa. Grow to be fierce my youngest." The old man now said with his deep and crisp voice.
With what they were saying, I'm assuming I was born a royal? Then that means I don't have to struggle as much, but wait...if I got transported here, then...
"DID I JUST DIE?!" I now said this menacingly.
Though to them, only the words "GOOGOOGAAGAA" would come out. To them, it was just a rambling of a baby.
---- END OF CHAPTER 1.1 ----
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