The Crack Addicts
Lumie added 40+ people to "The Crack Addicts"
Lumie removed the ability to leave "The Crack Addicts"
Lumie has allowed name changes
Lumie: Welcome everyone!
Kujou Sara: I can already smell bad news. I'm muting this shit
Kaeya: The disrespect
Aether: Wtf Lumie
Amber: I think this was a good idea, babes!
Lumie: Thank you, love
Gorou: I don't know half you people
Ei: If you're hinting towards introductions, that is what I was thinking as well
Ei: I'm Ei, Electro Dorm Head. The person who announced they were muting this chat was Kujou Sara, also Electro Dorm.
Gorou: Since I kinda brought it up, I'll go next! I'm Gorou, Geo Dorm!
Lumie: I'm Lumie, Geo Dorm
Aether: I'm Aether, Anemo Dorm
Lumie: Aether and I are twins >:D
Kaeya: Kaeya, Cryo Dorm
Diluc: Diluc, Pyro Dorm. Kaeya is my brother.
Hu Tao: Hi! I'm Hu Tao, Pyro Dorm. If you're ever in need of a funeral planner, consider Wangsheng Funeral Parlor! I'll even give you a friend discount!!
Zhongli: Not this again
Zhongli: Anyways, I'm Zhongli, Geo Dorm Head.
Childe: I'm Childe, Hydro Dorm, nice to meet you, Comrades
Mona: I’m Mona Magistius (idr how to spell it), Hydro Dorm
Razor: Ra zOr, El ecTro
Bennett: I'm Bennett! Pyro Dorm! Apologies for my boyfriend, Razor, he's still getting used to having a phone.
Amber: Pyro Dorm, names Amber!
Eula: Eula, Cryo Dorm
Rosaria: Rosaria, Cryo Dorm
Itto: What's up my bros! I'm Arataki Itto! Geo Dorm!
Shinobu: Apologies for the boisterous one, Itto. I'm Shinobu, Electro Dorm
Yoimiya: Sup! Yoimiya, Pyro Dorm
Kokomi: Hello, I'm Sangonomiya Kokomi, Hydro Dorm
Jean: Greetings. I am Jean, Anemo Dorm. I do most of the work for the Anemo Dorm Head in sted of him.
Venti: Way t o kal mee ouut. Vet ii, An emo
Jean. I apologize for Ventis' behavior and spelling. He is currently drunk.
Lisa: Don't apologize, Cutie, it's not your fault.
Lisa: Lisa, Electro Dorm. As well, I'm Jeans' Fiancé
Ayaka: I'm Kamisato Ayaka, Cryo Dorm.
Ayato: I'm Kamisato Ayato, hydro dorm. im also Ayakas older brother
Thoma: Names Thoma! Pyro Dorm and Ayatos lover.
Beidou: The names Beidou, Electro Dorm.
Ningguang: Ningguang, Geo Dorm, Beidous lover
Xiao: Xiao, Anemo Dorm
Kazuha: I'm Kazuha, Anemo Dorm
Heizou: Names Heizou! Anemo Dorm!
Noelle: I'm Noelle, Geo Dorm! I'm here if you ever need anything!
Barbara: Though don't put too much pressure on her, she does need rest too! I'm Barbara, Noelles partner, Hydro Dorm
Yelan: I'm Yelan, Hydro Dorm. Don't expect me to be here much.
Shenhe: Shenhe, Cryo Dorm, Yelnats wife and Chongyuns aunt (age difference between me and him is only 3 years {not canon})
Chongyun: I'm Chongyun, Cryo Dorm, Xingqius boyfriend
Xingqiu: Still getting used to that whole boyfriend thing. I'm Xingqiu, Hydro Dorm
Yae Miko: I'm Yae Miko, Electro Dorm and also Eris girlfriend
Yanfei: The names Yanfei, Pyro Dorm
Yun Jin: I'm Yun Jin, Geo Dorm. Pleasure to meet you all
Fischl: I am Lady Fischl of the Electro Dorm. The pleasure is mine.
Albedo: Albedo, Geo Dorm
Sucrose: I'm Sucrose! Anemo Dorm.
Keqing: Keqing, Electro Dorm. Put too much work on Ganyu and I will hurt you.
Ganyu: Don't say that, Babe! I'm Ganyu, Curio Dorm
Sayu: I'm Sayu, Anemo Dorm. I'm going back to sleep now.
Xinyan: Names Xinyan! Pyro Dorm!
Lumie: That's everyone!
Kazuha: Is this everyone in the dorms by chance?
Lumie: Minus the kids, yes!
Lumie: I must also say, Ayaka, you are gorgeous
Ayaka: Thank you, sweetheart
Aether: That's gay, Lumie
Lumie: Nuhuh! I'm just appreciating her beauty! And like your crush isn't
Aether: Hush
Childe: Spill the beans, you two
Lumie, Aether, Childe
Lumie: Okay, so
Aether: Don't you dare
Childe: I won't tell anyone
Childe: And I'll tell you who I like :D
Lumie: Obviously I like Ayaka
Aether: Fuck. I like Xiao
Childe: XIAO!!
Childe: I like his brother, Zhongli lmfao
Aether: So I would have to deal with you the rest of my life if Xiao and I work out and you and Zhongli work out?
Lumie: You're so nice Aether
The Crack Addicts
Childe: Ik who the twins like :D
Childe: They say who I like I say who they like
Hu Tao: YOu tell him but not me???
Hu Tao: What the hell, babe!
Lumie: Ikik, I'll tell you in dms
Kazuha: With how secretive you three are with this, I take it that who you like is someone very important to each of you.
Zhongli: I agree with you Kazuha. And I hope the relationships work out for you three
Hu Tao, Lumie
Lumie: Okay
Lumie: I'll tell you but you can't tell her
Hu Tao: I promise I won't
Lumie: I thought it was obvious that it was Ayaka
Lumie: And Aether likes Xiao
Hu Tao: WHAT??
Lumie: Don't let him know I told you though
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