People were running around the halls, knocking into each other, yelling to their friends across the hall. It was noisy, students and teachers. The teachers had a hard time trying to control the mess that the student body of Rosafeld High insisted on making.
"Crimson!" Savannah yelled, down the hall. Crimson smiled, walking a little faster through the halls to get to where Savannah stood near her locker.
"Hey," Crimson greeted. It wasn't the girl's real name, everyone just called her that. Maybe it was her love for the color, or maybe it was just because it fit her. Everybody just called her Crimson, except for the adults who called her by her actual name, Nina. For some reason, Crimson never liked her name. Maybe for somebody else, but the name didn't feel right for her.
When they had given her the nickname, she had welcomed it.
Savannah smiled widely, and Crimson knew what this meant. She was ready to gossip, and they had just gotten back from the weekend which meant that she had a lot.
"So, did you hear about Michael and Lily?" Savannah questioned, a smirk on her face and a gleam in her eyes.
"No, Anna, I didn't hear about Michael and Lily," Crimson smiled as she twisted the combination to her locker.
"Well, evidently Michael had indirectly broken up with Lily over text."
Crimson's mouth dropped, looking at Savannah who smiled like she knew Crimson would be interested about the piece of information.
"Yeah, he must've texted his friend and asked him to break up with her for him," Savannah grinned. Crimson's locker swung open, and she slightly leaned against the door.
"No way," Crimson denied. Michael and Lily were the couple in Rosafeld. They were certain categories you could fall in at Rosafeld High, and they fell into the power couples. Michael breaking up with Lily was... well, it'd be a shock to the entire student body.
Who knows how Lily reacted to the entire endeavor.
"Yes way."
"God, I heard they were having a couple relationship issues, but not to the point where they would break up."
"Well, now's your chance to get your man," Savannah said, making Crimson blush the color of her name. She had a crush on Michael since the start of freshman year, and now they were seniors.
But Crimson denied the crush, saying it was just an infatuation.
"I highly doubt Michael will be dating anyone any time soon," Crimson dismissed, struggling to get her books from her locker. As soon as the conversation had turned to her petty little crush on Michael, she had wanted it to end. But Savannah always teased her about it.
"Oh, come on. Your like, Queen around here," Savannah rolled her eyes. "I heard somewhere that he broke up with Lily to be with you."
"Okay, now you're making this shit up," Crimson laughed as she slammed her locker shut. She pushed her way through the crowd to her first period class while Savannah followed behind her.
"I am not!" Savannah protested.
"Yeah, sure," Crimson shrugged. She finally got to the Physics classroom, dumping her stuff on her desk. Savannah sat down next to her, gently setting her stuff down.
"And I also heard that they was a new kid, transferring from Harrison," Savannah said.
"A new kid? Really? Next to no one comes to Rosafeld, let alone knows it exists," Crimson said in disbelief. They didn't exactly get a new kid very often.
"He is from Harrison, so it is in our region."
Crimson was about to respond when the teacher walked in, immediately silencing the class. She took her lips in between her teeth, making a decision. A small noise was heard as she ripped a small piece of paper from her notebook, but it wasn't loud enough for the teacher to notice.
It's a he? Crimson questioned, sliding the piece of paper to Savannah who wordlessly took it.
Yeah, heard that his name was Reed or something like that. Evidently he got into trouble a lot back at Harrison. People are saying that the reason he's transferring here is because he got expelled.Savannah wrote back.
Really? We're getting a new "bad" boy? Don't we have enough of those self-proclaimed "bad" boys who are really just assholes?
Suck it up, Sunshine, we're getting another.
Crimson rolled her eyes as she read Savannah's message, crumpling up the piece of paper. Mister Millers was a nice teacher, but he didn't tolerate note-passing in his classroom.
She leaned back in her chair, wondering if Savannah's sources were correct with their claim.
A new kid, albeit trouble, is maybe what this drab school needed to make something interesting happen.
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