"It's so cold in here…"
"I can barely see anything up ahead…"
"Where even am I…?"
"I guess people were correct about this place being like a maze."
The only reason why I decided to visit these ruins of all places is because I was very curious. Every time I would see something about it, there would be warnings from people saying it's a maze and a nightmare, but they never said why. It was rather contradicting to me, and I wanted to see for myself.
Even my friends were warning me about this, saying it's a bad idea, and that I could get hurt or lost, but my stubbornness kept me going, because I wanted to know for sure.
I've only been in these ruins for about 20 minutes and I can tell you that the other concerns people were talking about are correct. For some reason, it's very cold here, which isn't bad thankfully because I decided to bring my hoodie, but I guess I was stupid enough to not bring something that would help me find my way back at least. So far I've been trying to stay linear and not divert myself and get lost.
"I gotta say, this place is very fascinating"
I had a flashlight with me, and I would pan it on every surface I can see and I would see ancient symbols and writing. Now I can't tell you what it meant, it was too ancient for me to even know what the hell it was.
In fact, in all the research i have done on this place, even other sites can't tell what kind of language this is. It must've been something that dated back way before anything else in this state.
As I made my way forward through the tunnel, I noticed it started to get more narrow and thin. It was a subtle change I didn't notice until I felt the walls brush my elbows. I can't lie and say the sudden claustrophobic area wasn't uneasy. I felt myself start breathing heavier as my heart race picked up.
"Breathe Anne..it's gonna be okay."
After a while, the walls did seem to expand away from me, which made me feel easier about wondering further, but as I did, I noticed something up ahead...the lack of light reflecting back at me. There was some huge room ahead. Now this is what I'm talking about. I wondered about what kind of things I would find in here..but as I approached the edge of the hallway, I realized this isn't a room, but a huge cavern that seemed to expand much further than I can see. No matter where I shine my flashlight, I couldn't see any walls or floors at all.
"What happened in here? Was this just something that happened in the ruins? Looks like a huge crater."
I was disappointed, but then again, I didn't think this ruin would have too much in it. I think I knew what was going on now. It was just some people trying to spook others into not going here. There's nothing spooky about this place at all. It wasn't even that bi-
Out of nowhere, I heard this massive screech from within the cavern below, and it startled me so much I fell backwards in fear. I took a second to breathe and then I listened closely.
At first I thought I just imagined that screech, that it was my brain trying to mess with me, but as I listened on, I heard it again. Screeches of some kind. I didn't know what it was, but something else was here and alive.
"I take back my word. It's time to go now."
I got back up and quickly headed towards the claustrophobic halls again. I started speed walking away, when I felt the floor beneath my right foot slowly go down, and then stopped. Too late did I realize what I stepped on. It was some kind of ancient button, and too late did i realize what it did. The halls in front of me vanished from sight, closed off by the walls closing in.
I was trapped.
I banged on the walls constantly, and even tried to get into the crevices of it to see if I could somehow pry it open, but nothing worked.
"Oh no, no no no no no no no…this can't be happening, I have to get out of here!"
I felt the fear in me build up. I won't lie, I had some fear lingering in me once I arrived, but I was too determined to acknowledge it, but now as I'm standing here bashing on this wall, trying effortlessly to get out, it has started to race up rapidly.
I felt my senses heighten as I was trying desperately to do anything. I couldn't. There was no way these walls were budging, and there was no other place to go.
"No c'mon, there has to be some way to get these doors open, c'mon think!"
As I was saying that, I was slowly backing up away from the door, thinking on how this could work, but once again, I felt my foot go down, but instead of a gradual decrease like with the button, it fully lurched downwards and then it hit the back end of the wall. I had forgotten the pushed button was behind me, and I ended up slipping backwards.
Now I wish I could say I just simply fell on my back and I was all good, no. I tried my hardest to recover myself, but this ended up making me stumble backwards real quick. I felt myself coming close to the edge of the hall and I tried desperately to reach out for anything, but nothing was there. I felt my body go limp, as I was casted over the edge, falling into eternal darkness.
The last thing I remember before blacking out from fear was my flashlight shining on the rocky edge, and then vanishing as quickly as it was there.
And at that moment, I wished that I had listened to my gut when I was in my car.
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