I want to welcome you to my world, where some humans have been blessed with special abilities. A specialty is a human ability that ranges from something useless, like cat ears, to black holes.
In this world, you can only be classified as a human or a demi-human. There's also a god, but that's so rare that it's not even an option.
My specialty is copying others' specialties through eye contact. Now I've never deemed this as something special, but my parents thought so and allowed me to work with them in 'Popsart,' a private intelligence agency in the form of an art company. I've trained for many years to work in this agency. It was kind of a dream of mine to work with my parents since they were my version of heroes.
While I was in high school, training, my parents adopted my brother Max, who you could classify as the most cold-hearted human being whenever it came to his work. He was one year younger than me, and although we were siblings by law, we couldn't truly connect because we were just too different.
I was nice while he was mean, I showed too much emotion while he barely showed any, and I got B's while he got A's. Even at the agency I became a B rank while he's an A rank damn near an S rank at this point. There was nothing for us to connect on when we had no similar interests other than working with our parents. I knew he cared for me, and I cared for him, but it was hard to connect with a pristine, perfect individual who was so artificial he could be seen as a robot. Sometimes I just wanted to be like him, to not care about anything but my work, to not be so emotional, to just be as perfect as him...
Even though I'm older than him, I have to admit I idolize my younger brother, and he will always and forever mean everything to me. I'm truly happy we get to work together as a duo.
I've been working here since I was in college, and honestly, it's been a lot more difficult than I imagined. In the process of working in this company, I got a boyfriend, lost both of my parents, got married, got pregnant but lost the child, got divorced, and found out not even two weeks after my divorce my ex got some other ho pregnant now he has a child even though he was totally against the idea of having mine, so now I hate him.
Working in this heavenly place hasn't been living up to its name. I'm constantly stressed I'm going to die on every mission, and I have to see Dante, my ex, an A rank everywhere I go, and everything in that place just keeps on irritating me. I feel like punching the wall every day.
Max decided, why not relieve the stress of getting a pet bunny? I thought, Oh wow, look at my amazing idol being amazing once again, but NO. With my strict schedule, I barely have time to come home, and without me, my pet will feel lonely and depressed. Who knew such cute, adorable little animals could feel HUMAN EMOTIONS?
I thought, Oh, since my bunny was getting all human-like, why not get it a boyfriend so it can experience the happiness I need it to give me? But NO, God has never been on my side since high school and thinks it's a good idea to kill off my bunny's soulmate and leave it so depressed to the point it just died, leaving me with not one but two pets gone.
Now we're here, lonely, fresh out of a stupid relationship, fresh out of witnessing your pet die, and roleplaying as some kind of escort to get some information out of a MAFIA BOSS because he's somehow associated with one of the most dangerous organizations out there. So I'm once again RISKING MY FUCKING LIFE FOR THIS JOB I'M NOT EVEN HAPPY IN.
But yet I still kept on believing there was a pot of gold down that rainbow, but instead of getting gold, they left me with the fucking pot.
How about that for a prologue?
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