Our story begins in a dark apartment. Trash all over the room, a man sits under a blanket in the darkness. His eyes glazed over with many bags underneath. Wearing a tattered Hatsune Miku shirt and boxers. His face lit up by a screen from his TV, Watching a DVD of an anime he likes.
Zen: Another night watching Dragon Ball...
He says as he takes a bit of a ham sandwhich he made .
He chomps down on the sandwhich while watching Goku fight Raditz.
He lets out a soft sigh.
A piece of the sandwhich gets lodged in his throat,
He begins to heave
He says as he chokes to death
Narration: Names David. Age 25. And yes I died in my room watching anime while eating a ham sandwich. Not the best way to die... But what can ya do? Honestly i've had a pretty fucked up life.
How fucked up? Well.... I was sent to hell.
He wakes up in a check in station. The area around full of lava and rock, Screams being heard in the background.
Zen: Gasps Where I am?? What happened??
A red demon look at him
Demon: Why... you're in hell. Level two specifically. Eternal tourture by boiling
Zen: Excuse ME!? Nonono... I cannot be dead, There's so many things I havent done, I never got to tell my crush how I feel, I Never got to finish my favorite. I NEVER GOT TO FINISH THAT SANDWHICH, I spent half an hour making that!
Demon: You spent half an hour...on a sandwich?
Zen: Dont question me man. I was HUNGRY and HELL
Demon: And look where you are now!
Zen: Looks around Oh...No....
Demon: Welcome to your new home newbie!
Zen: God dammit!
Demon: Thats the idea!
Zen: S-so... umm... is it too late to back out?
Demon:Considering you're dead? Yes. Now let your eternal touture commence!
The demon kicks him into the lake of lava
Demon: If it's too hot I can turn it off
Demon: NOPE! HAHAHA More bubbles start to form
Zen: in his head No... I cannot be dead... This isnt happening... This has to be a dream. Yeah! That's right! A dream! I bet i'll wake up right....NOW...
Silence with the bubbling sound effect
Demon: Enjoy your hot tub! I'm gonna make myself a sandwich! HA! Think about the sin your here for!
Zen: Let me out of here!
Narration: This went on for what felt like centuries. Stuck in that pool of lava, Constant pain.... Constant suffering.... Thinking of the one sin that got me here...
A few years later though...HE wanted to see me....
Demon: Yo burn victim! You're in luck! The boss wants to see you!
Zen: T-the boss...? You don't mean....
Demon: Lucifer.... The devil...whatever you wanna call him. Yes.
Zen: S-shit... He says he stands for the first time in years
Demon: Laughs You look like a Halloween decoration!
Zen: Shut it lard ass. Take me to satan.
Demon: Feisty even after years of torture? Ooo he's gonna like you
David and the man walk down a long dingy hallway of what looked to be an old castle. They stop at a large door, The demon knocks.
Lucifer can be heard on the other side.
"You may enter"
Demon: I brought him boss*
Lucifer: Thank you Django. You can go now.
Demon: Yes sir!
Lucifer: So you're david huh? Looks you've had one HELL of a time down here! He says with a chuckle Your bottom half looks like half eaten chicken legs.
Zen: ugh...dad puns... really? What do you want Satan?
Lucifer: Oh please my dear boy. Call me Lucifer.
Zen: How bout Luci?
Lucifer: Dont make me peel your skin like an orange.... You know why you're in hell right?
Zen: Lets out a small sigh
Lucifer: The murder of your family. Your mother, Father, and younger sister. All in a tragic fire.
Zen: I-I didn't mean for it to happen.
Lucifer: After their death you got so depressed to the point you stopped anything and everything you had going. Went into hiding in your own world. Became a shut in. You had nothing...and no one
Lucifer: And then you died eating a fucking sandwhich. Of all things. That's just pathetic
Zen: Shut up! Screams angrily
Lucifer: says with a smirk Someone's all fired up. I like that.
Zen: Did you bring me here just to mess with me?
Lucifer: No. I have a proposition for you. A chance for redemption.
Zen: A-a what?
Lucifer: You heard me. REDEMPTION
Zen: How?
Lucifer: Well... Ya know about the seven deadly sins right? Sloth... Greed... All that shit?
Zen: Yeah?
Lucifer: Well... awhile ago I decided to manifest them into flesh forms. See how humanity fared. Have alittle fun.
And I wont lie to you... I'm bored of it.
Zen: And?
Lucifer: I want YOU to put my toys back in the toy box. Kill them for me and your soul will be redeemed by me personally.You'll be able to see your parents upstairs in the magical cloudy place.
Zen: How would I do THAT?? I can barely even take care of myself
Lucifer: You know grim reapers right? Well... I'll just turn you into one.
Zen: Excuse me!?
Lucifer: Yes... You will become a reaper for me. Kill the sins, Do some odd jobs, And in return you'll live out eternity in luxury with your MURDERED family.
Zenith: A-and if I refuse? I don't know if I can face my family...
Lucifer: Then you'll be sent even farther into hell. To the ninth circle infact. Eternal Darkness. No lights...No sounds.... No people....Just you...alone with your thoughts....No escape...
Zen: Shit you drive a hard bargain,,, Fine Luci, You have a deal He says with a smirk
Lucifer: THATS the spirit! Laughs
A red aura appears around Zen as he screams in pain, Horns growinfg out of his head.
Zen: Whoa! I have clothes now! And skin back on my lower half! And are these HORNS!?
Lucifer: Look in the mirror Snaps his fingers
Zen: What happened to my iris's... Why do they look like plus signs?
Lucifer: To show you work for me. I also gave you a special weapon.... A double scythe...
Zen: Hell yes!
Lucifer: Picture the scythe in your mind and hold out your hand
Zen: Right He closes his eyes and breathes in and out holding out his hands, Picturing a double scythe in his head, The scythes appear in his hands in a red flash of light, Thier color purple.
Dude! I feel so bad ass!
Lucifer: All of your regular human traits have been intensified. Stronger, faster, AND Demon blood is in your veins now. Which will bring you to even greater heights!
Zen: Yes! Though... grim reaper sounds so cliche. I'm not reaping Human souls...
Lucifer: I used grim reaper as an exampl. But we have a different name for reapers like yourself. SIN reapers.
Zen: I like it! But...David doesnt sound like a bad ass reaper name. Maybe...goaliath... Shadow.... Zune....
Wait I got it! Zenith! Yes! Zen for short.
Lucifer: Zenith it is. Now... your first task is to test your strength.
Zenith: How? Am I fighting a sin already?
Lucifer: Nah. You'll be fighting someone almost as tough though. Oh adonis!
An orange flash of light happens, After it fades a darker skinned woman with glasses, a beanie, and orange hair stands there stone faced.
Adonis: Yes lord lucifer?
Lucifer: We have a new sin reaper. This is Zen
Zen: uhh... hi
Adonis: Hello... She says dryly
Lucifer: Show him the ropes.
Adonis: You want me to fight him?
She says rasing a brow towards lucifer in confusion
Lucifer: If you would. He needs to test out his new powers
Zen: Awww I wanted to fight YOU thought Luci....
Lucifer: Oh you are no where NEAR my level Zenny. Adonis here is a computer nerd.. But she's also a very adept fighter in her own right. ALSO Call my Luci again and i'll use your spine as a fucking jump rope.
Zen jumps back in fear
Zen: Y-yes sir!
Lucifer: good boy. NOW, get started
Adonis: Ladies first~ She says with a smirk
Zen growls and lunges at her, Summoning his scythe
He takes a swing with the scythes in hand, missing every shot
Adonis jumping over his head smacking it as she does.
She lands and blows a cherry at him.
Adonis: Come on newbie...you can do better than that....
Zen grits his teeth and runs at her again, swinging wildy as Adonis runs backwards, laughing as she does.
Zen: Oh come ON! He says as his speed suddenly increases HUH!?
Lucifer: It would seem your demon powers are activating. Good.....
Adonis gasps at his sudden increase in speed
Zen smirks "oh hell yes!" He says as throws one of the scythes into at Adonis.
Adonis jumps up to dodge it "Ha too slow!"
Zen appears above her in a flash "You were saying?" He kicks her to the ground
She lands on her feet and cracks her neck
Adonis: Not bad for a newbie sin reaper.
Zen: You arent so bad yourself.
Adonis: Punches him in the gut Don't get a big head yet.
Zen coughs up blood
Adonis: I was trained by Lucifer himself. There's no way you can win.
Zen stands up with a smirk "Oh really?"
A red aura appears around him
Adonis: *in her head* W-whats going on!? I can sense his power rising!
Zen: Looks like i'll have to surpass satan himself!
Lucifer chuckles how intriguing... Zenny youre full of surprises...
Zen: Then i'll kill all the sins! And I can finally see my family and apologize! All I ever wanted was to do something nice! But I started a fire that killed them all! Now I can change EVERYTHING!!
Adonis: L-Lord Lucifer.... His demon energy....
Lucifer: Oooo he has more power then I thought he had...
Zen: I'll surpass you ALL!! He lunges at Adonis
Adonis: Lord Lucifer HEL—Her head is cut off by his scythe
Adonis's head falls to the ground with a bloody splat.
Lucifer: He took Adonis out in one hit... Impressive Zenny. Bravo!
Zen is breathing heavily, His eyes blood red as looks back at Satan with a demonic smile on his face "You're next Satan..."
Lucifer: Well well someones fired up. Ya know what... I think I will test your power. Come at me.
Zen: With pleasure...
He says as he snaps, appearing behind Lucifer, Lucifer smirking as Zen send a slash towards his face. Lucifer backflipping backwards away from him, summoning his own scythe as he raises a brow with a chuckle. Zen running at him with both scythes in hand as he slashes more, Lucifer countering with his own scythe. He then kicks Zen away
Lucifer: Not bad at all! I'm actually having fun! Laugh manically
Zen: Ya know what... So am I!
Lucifer: Oh cocky are we?! He kicks zenith to the ground You still arent on my level.
Zen: D-dammit....
Lucifer: With that said...I'm impressed... So i'll send you out into the world now. He snaps his fingers healing Adonis
Adonis: God DAMN that hurt!
Lucifer: Adonis. I would like for you to accompany Zenny here back to earth
Adonis: What!? Why me!
Zen: Yeah why her??
Lucifer: Simple. I like your dynamic.
Zen and Adonis: What??
Lucifer: buh-bye now... He snaps his fingers again
zenith and Adonis appear back on earth in a small neighborhood
Adonis: Yuck.. I hate this planet...
Zen: I...never thought I would see this place again...
Adonis Looks around "Where are we..."
Zen: Either this is pure coincidence...Or lucifer is being an absolute dick...
Zen clentches his fits, biting his bottom lip
Adonis: Why?
Zenith: He snapped us to the remains of my childhood home...
Adonis: O-oh...
Zenith: All I wanted to do for them was something nice... It was my parents anniversary. I wanted to cook them dinner. Of course I was only 10. I did it while they were in their room... so I could surprise them... Long story short.... Everything went up in flames...
My life...My family.. All of it...
Adonis: Thats so sad...
Zenith: That's why I became a sin reaper. So I can try and make things right with them.
Adonis: Well... I just so happen to know where to look for our first target. Tokyo Japan
Zen: Why Japan?
Adonis: The sin of greed known as avarice resides there. Runs a video game company called Destroscape.
Zenith: Wait... THE Destroscape?? Dude I LOVE their games! Death Camp 5 Deathier camp is my favorite! Used to kick ass at zombies
Adonis: Ya know... we actually had some of their games in hell as well, Until Lucifer decided to be a toal douchebag and ban em. "Oh video games will distract you from your hell duties" He said.
Zenith: Okay,,,I was tortured for a few years, But WORKING for hell does not sound fun.
Adonis: It's really not. Now then. Shall we get going?
Zenith: How?
Adonis: Grab my hand
Zenith: uhh okay??
As flash of light appears around them. Transporting them away.
Far above the two a figure watches them
"Wow... Zen is an interesting human... Let's see where this journey takes him..."
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