It takes a brave man, to admit he has a problem!
I would like a dollar for every time I have heard that!
It is a classic Therapist phrase!
Seriously I am not 100 percent sure, that it is a dreadfully bad problem!
It is just that, it has recently affected my life!
I have been this way, for a long time!
Someone, sometime put a name to it! This problem!
It is classified as, a fear of being touched!
But in reality, it isn't that simple!
If the other person is close to me, I am fine!
For example I can shake hands with my Dad, I can hug my Mum!
Occasionally I have briefly touched the shoulder of a close friend!
But Stranger's, Colleagues, Acquaintances are different!
I cant bring myself to touch them, and I dread them touching me!
It has always been my habit to avoid situations, where I might need to touch!
At work, my desk is situated far from any other. I will not shake hands, with staff or clients!
My phone is my life line! It connects me to other's without, having to meet in person!
I live alone, have my groceries delivered!
I have never had a relationship or partner!
But I do make an effort, I work! I drive!
I have been fine, until recently!
I have found myself, becoming unsettled, and lonely!
I recently turned 30, maybe that was when it started!
I have been thinking, about my future!
Do I want to live my whole life alone?
I am also concerned about my job!
Can I work my way up the ranks, work towards a promotion, if I cant interact with the other staff and Managers?
What was the use of working, if I have nothing to strive for?
Hence, I am taking a leap!
Sitting in this car, heading towards an unknown future. With an old friend, who though is not an actual stranger, is someone I haven't spoken to for, ... 12 years? Gosh thats an age!
The fact that Dale, is now an Occupational Therapist, is a surprise!
The fact I am heading to his home, for Therapy is just plain crazy!
For the next 6 weeks, I will be in his care! Living in his home!
I don't think I would have agreed to this, if it hadn't been for him!
I couldn't have been comfortable, with a complete stranger!
He isn't speaking to me! Is he worried I would freak out or something?
I glance at him! He is frowning, eyes on the road!
Are you sure about this?
Dale smiles - It's what I trained for!
To help people like me?
No! - Dale shook his head- So I could help YOU! Cody!
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