“I am the demon of Darkness.” said the creature, in a growling voice. I am the Darkness given flesh. Mess with me and it will be your life. The demon was new to this realm, and he was terrified of what was about to happen. The demon’s name was none other than Faust. Faust was not the biggest of them all, yet he was the cruelest of them all. But if someone got the better of him, he would crack. This is one such case.
It all started on a cold morning in the earliest time of year, and the town had already gotten 8 feet of snow, and was due for about 5 more by the end of the week. Ezra and Arkady had been going through their parents' attic when they happen to come across a book on summoning demons. Ezra picked up the book and started to read from it. To bring forth a demon of Hell, you will need a blood offering (the better the offering the better the demon) of a cat, chicken, dog, pig, goat, cow, or human. Any of which must be a virgin, or under one year of age. Humans must be a virgin, between 15 to 21 years of age. Arkady asked his brother if he would like to try raising a demon.
When Ezra said ok, Arkady started to read through the book to see what all they needed to do so they could get started. All the book said was to read the incantation out loud, and drip 3 drops of blood on the ground. The incantation was as follows ‘I summon you, (demon’s name), to this realm, I call you by your name and you shall do my bidding. Until the day you are released. At that moment his brother dropped something that made him jump, and when he jumped, he got a paper cut. When he realized that he’d cut himself, it was too late. Three drops had fallen. When he read the incantation, he had inadvertently said the demon’s name. The next thing they know, there’s a wisp of red smoke coming from each drop of blood. They began to twine together, twirling round and around, faster and tighter until it began to shrink down. When it stopped moving, it was about three feet tall. As the smoke dissipated, a demon took its place. When the demon saw the brothers, he introduced himself. "I am the Demon of Darkness! I am the Darkness given flesh! Mess with me and it will be your life!" And almost like an afterthought, he said. ‘If you anger me, I will eat you, body, bone, soul, all will be devoured!” Then he heard. “Wow, your short.” It was the younger brother. His name was Ezra and he was only 10. After hearing Ezra call him short, he tried to attack. When he moved, the older brother yelled out. “Stop! Don’t move!” The demon froze. When Arkady realized he could control the demon, he said, “tell me your name.” Having no choice, the demon stopped, turned, and then as it looked at Arkady, it said. “I have no name, only my titles. Of which I have already told you. Or did you pay no mind to what I said?” Arkady frowned at him. Then I will give you a name that my brother and I will use, also you are never to harm him or any other human that you see in this house unless we ask for help. Understand? Now, the name I give you is Faust. The demon looked confused, then he asked, “what does it mean?” Arkady thought for a moment. “It means ‘one who sold his soul’. He had a big grin on his face when he saw the look of panic on the demon’s face. “From now on, until you are released, you will answer to Faust”. What Arkady and Ezra didn’t know was the demon’s true name was indeed Faust, and that was why he was panicking so badly. As long as the boys used it, he could do nothing against them. Couldn’t harm them, or disobey any order he was given. A few months pass. And Faust is still trying to find a way to get free of the boys. “Hey Faust, come help me with this. It needs to be done before my brother gets home.” Ezra was visiting their parents grave and was due back soon. No one even knew that their parents had died, both were always gone anyways. Their dad had been working overseas as a consultant and his wife worked as his translator. They worked 50 weeks out of the year.
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