How hard it is to believe that I'm turning 17 today, Time flies so fast you don't notice and you're already 30. This year was particularly complicated because I started to question my sexuality. I never really thought about it but last year I started and after many days and sleepless nights I realised I was gay, it was difficult because I didn't know any other gays.
At school I only saw straight couples. I was afraid to tell anyone about it and only thought about not letting anyone find out about my sexuality. I have often heard others making fun of LGBT people, which always annoyed me, but now it started to hurt me because I realised that by saying all those horrible things they were also saying about me.
I lived in constant fear for a long time until finally at the cinema I met a boy I fell in love with. His name was Peter he is about my age and he joined my class a year ago. At first we didn't talk to each other at all, I kept sitting with my friends and he with his. I remember well the day I actually talked to him. I went to the cinema to see a new marvel film, I was going alone because my friends don't like marvel. When I sat down in the cinema hall next to me set Peter. He said hello and asked me if I liked Marvel. I said sure and so we started talking about our favourite movie, character, villain and I think we talked through half the film.
We started writing and talking to each other at school and we became best friends. We started spending more and more time with each other and we watched a lot of movies. With him I always felt happy, as if all the problems would suddenly magically disappear, I imagined us as a couple but I didn’t think we would ever be together. I WAS WRONG.
After four months we became a couple, he too was a gay who was afraid to tell anyone about it, but he came out of his friend and cousin.
We've been together for a year now and it feels like a fairy tale we spend practically all our time together, we don't hide our feelings and we openly say we are a couple. We were afraid of what would happen if people found out, but luckily everything was fine, no one bullied us or laughed at us because being gay is not a bad or disgusting thing, just because you're not like other people doesn't mean you're something weird.
All right, enough of this reminiscing, I have to get up because Peter is probably coming soon. He's probably more excited about my birthday than I am because I think he's been talking about it for the last two month and still has some new ideas.
-Jake, are you up yet sweetheart?- oho that's probably a sign that I need to get up
- Then come to us
- All right I’m going - I don't think anything will happen if I go in my pyjamas, maybe after the cake I'll go and get some more sleep.
I walk into the living room still sleepy and there my parents and Pete with the cake pop out and start singing:
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Jake
Happy Birthday to You.
I knew they'd come up with something but I didn't know something like this. The whole living room was beautifully decorated and on the table stood all my favourite treats specially for me: waffles, pancakes even chocolate-covered fruit, I almost cried from the sensation but managed not to. I blew out the candles and then we all hugged together.
- Well sit down at the table because you have to eat it all up
Everything was so good I didn't know where to start. Pete ate some waffles. He loves waffles.
- Jake we have a surprise for you
- Next week we fly to Brazil for a two weeks.
When I heard this I couldn't believe it. Ever since I was a kid I've dreamed of flying to Brazil and now I'm flying there in a week for a whole two weeks.
- But that's not all sweetheart- I wonder what else they've come up with
We are not going alone on this holiday, Peter and his family are flying with us
When I heard this I thought I was going to fall down, not only did I get to fulfil my biggest dream, but I also got to do it with my boyfriend. I immediately ran to hug my parents and I must have thanked them a hundred times.
After breakfast, Peter and I went outside because he said it wasn't the end of the surprises. First we went for ice cream and as soon as we sat down in the park I got dirty with ice cream.
- Jake, can you please not get dirty for once? - even though I'm the one who's three months older than him, he's the older and responsible one in our relationship.
- I don't know how it's possible that I always get dirty when eating ice cream.
-Wait I'll wipe your face.
- I'll let you wipe my face for a kiss
- which means if I don’t give you a kiss, you’ll walk around dirty all day?
-I have to think about it
After a while he smiled and kissed. It was our first kiss today because in front of our parents we are ashamed to kiss, at school too but maybe one day we won't.
- So what are our plans for today
-Come on, tell me what you came up with
- You'll find out soon enough, let's eat ice cream because it's about to melt for us
- Fine
We ate ice cream Peter took my hand and we went to carry out the next part of his plan for my birthday.
Peter surprised me I was sure we would go to the cinema and he took me to an amusement park.
-I think I'm going to throw up
-You wanted to go for it yourself-I'm a fan of roller coasters and that's where we went first
- I know I know, but I didn't know we'd be thrown around like this, so where do you want to go now?
We were probably at almost every attraction, I even won a teddy bear in one game. It was a huge teddy bear and I gave it to Peter to get him a present too for organising a super birthday.
Then we went to eat something and didn't notice that it was already late. I promised my mum that we would be back by 6pm so as soon as we finished eating we went home.
-Mum, dad we’re back- It was strange because it was dark in the house and I don't think anyone was there.
Suddenly the lights came on and I heard a scream
It was my parents and our friends I didn't know what was going on and all I managed to say was:
- what's going on?
- Your birthday party, thought it wouldn't happen?
I couldn't believe it all my friends were there: Liam, John, Oliver, Thomas, Sarah and Christine.
The party was amazing. First we played monopoly for a long time but Thomas and Sarah started arguing I think about Thomas having to pay a lot of money to Sarah and he didn't have that much, then I think we sang along to karaoke for an hour, neither of us have a talent for singing. We ordered pizza and started playing on the console.
At about 11pm everyone had gone home and only Peter was left because his parents had agreed to let him stay the night with me, I was tired so we changed into our pyjamas and lay down and Pete said he had something for me. I was afraid of what else he'd come up with because I was almost asleep.
-I've thought about what to give you for a long time and I hope you like it.
He gave me a big nicely decorated box and as soon as I opened it, I started crying.
In the box was a cinema ticket to the film we met at, my T-shirt which I had soiled with food on our first official date, a hoodie with a black panther (my favourite Marvel character)
and my old shoes which I had worn out, I liked them a lot and was sad when I had to stop walking in them and he had fixed them up and still added something new to them.
I think he saw that I was crying because he hugged and kissed me.
- And how do you like your gift from me?
-It's the best gift I got in the world
-Well, maybe now we'll watch movies?
We lay down Pete leaned against me and we started watching films but after probably about 30 minutes we fell asleep.
THIS WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY IN HISTORY I can't imagine how I would live without Peter now, he is my whole world and I love him very much.
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