You groaned, mumbling into your sheets, the fabric making the sound come out muffled. The sun hit your face making you sigh and throw the covers off, sitting up and stretching. You opened your mouth in a silent yawn, the action making slight tears come out of your eyes.
You grabbed hold of the side of your bed, still half-asleep and barely registering the feeling of suffocating. You stood up, holding your arms out to your sides as you attempted to steady yourself. As soon as you did you walked to your kitchen, angrily mumbling to yourself as the sound of steady beeping began to get louder.
As you entered your kitchen you hissed in pain as you felt heat hitting your legs. This single feeling had jolted you wide awake and you gasped at the sight. Your house was ablaze, flames crackling and burning.
You jumped back at a board crashing down in front of you, coughing as the feeling of smoke entering your lungs began to make it hard to breathe. You felt the urge to puke from how hard you were coughing, collapsing to the ground and feeling bile rise in the back of your throat.
you gasped, throwing your body forwards, realizing you were still in bed. Your house was not on fire, you weren't dying, you're ok... Still... you've been having this dream every night for the past couple weeks, it's beginning to take a toll on you.
You wiped your face with your sleeves, wiping away the tears that were streaming down your face. You looked over to your phone, deciding to check the time but instead seeing a notification for a sent E-Mail.
"Dear Mx. Y/N,
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to you from Fazbear.Co! We are excited to inform you that you have been officially accepted for the position of Daycare Assistant, and your journey with us begins today.
Here are the details for your first shifts:
Days: Monday through Thursday
Time: 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM
And for the weekend:
Days: Friday through Sunday
Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 AM
To help you get started on the right foot, Vanessa, one of our friendly team members, will be your guide. She'll show you the ropes and get you familiar with the ins and outs of our daycare.
Just head on over to the daycare's front doors, and Vanessa will be there to meet you.
We're excited to see what you'll bring to the team and can't wait to work together.
If you have any quick questions or need more info before you dive in, feel free to drop us a line.
Once again, welcome to Fazbear.Co, and let's make this a fantastic journey!
From: Fazbear.Co"
You couldn't believe it, you got the job! You'd been working hard to snag this gig, and now it was yours. Sure, you had to beg a bit, but it was totally worth it. Glancing at the clock, it screamed 5:36 AM. Time to hustle if you didn't want to be late on your first day.
You tossed the covers aside, swapped your PJs for something more work-appropriate, grabbed your keys, and zoomed off to the Pizza Plex to kick off your first shift.
You wanted to scream and rip your hair out from how much this bitch was babbling...
Vanessa was chatting with you, trying to make sure you remembered everything she was talking about. In order for her to make sure, she was having you tell her what you remembered. If you didn't remember something then she would say it again. This has been going on for an hour already...
"Ok, and what do we under any circumstances do not do?"
"Turn off the lights early..."
"And what else do we not do with the lights?"
"Ughhhh!!!" You rubbed your face angrily. "Don't mess with or flicker the lights!"
"What about if something life threatening shows up? What is the first thing you do?"
"[Name]." She warned.
"Make sure the kids are safe before I make sure I am...." You mumbled in response.
"Great. Finally. See, was that so hard?"
You threw your arms in the air in anger. "Yes! Your list is 10 minutes long!"
"Boo hoo. The Daycare attendant will tell you everything else. Snacks should only be provided if they haven't had anything for the day."
"I don't thi-"
Aaaannnnddd she's gone... You're honestly too mentally drained to even go after her.
Looking over to your right you noticed two large doors, similar to those of a castle. You sighed, walking over and pushing them open. They're surprisingly light and felt like plastic. Well, fully wooden doors would be quite heavy so this would be expected.
You stepped inside, gently closing the doors behind you. Before you could even turn around though you feel two arms grab you from behind, making you jolt. You felt your feet being lifted off the ground and you instinctively grabbed hold of the arms.
"HELLO NEW FRIEND! WELCO-" The overwhelming voice from behind you got cut off from your struggling.
"Hey hey heyheyhey!! nonono! put me down!" you yelped, kicking them in the legs in hopes of breaking free but to no avail.
"Huh? What's wro-"you bashed your head against their chin, hearing the sound of metal and a crackling staticky sound before feeling yourself collide with the ground.
Your head began pounding and you hissed in pain as you felt a migraine starting. Ahh fuck. you shouldn't have done that.
"Oh! Friend, are you ok?!"
You growled, turning around and kicking your feet at the person, managing to hit them in the chest. You winced as you felt your foot begin to hurt upon impact.
The person fell to the ground, making you flinch as you felt the impact of their body against the ground. Looking over you notice that this was not a person but in fact a yellow sun animatronic in a jester's consume. The face kind of creeped you out a bit...
They were sitting on the ground like a child and holding their chin, rays retracted into their head a bit.
"Owie..." He mumbled.
"Well... you're not who I was expecting," you said to yourself.
The animatronic looked up at you and you faintly saw a flicker of red in their eyes before it returned to the blinding white it originally had.
"New friend, it's not nice to harm others." The animatronic warned, making you scoff and pick yourself off the floor.
"Yeah, well you don't fucking grab people from behind!" You snapped back, smoothing out your clothing.
The animatronic huffed, standing up as well. "Now now, this is a daycare. Meaning it's for children. I kindly request for you to please refrain from using profanity."
You were about to snap back another response but he decided to start up a new conversation.
"What's your name, pal?"
"Why should I give you my name?" You growled. "I literally just met you. Let's not forget that you grabbed me. I don't think that's a very nice first impression don't you think?"
"Well. That's certainly a long name, 'Why should I give you my name? I literally just met you. Let's not forget that you grabbed me. I don't think that's a very nice first impression don't you think?' but I'm sure I can remember that! I'm Sundrop! Sun for short!"
You glared at him, making the animatronic smirk. "Care to?"
You grumbled to yourself before replying. "[Fake Name]."
Sun's smirk widened and he chuckled. "Sorry [Name] but using a fake name can get you fired. Lucky for you that I'm nice!"
Your jaw dropped. How-
Sun tapped his head. "I'm an animatronic silly billy! I have access to the employee database!"
You closed your mouth. Right, of course, how could you forget. You looked at your phone, realizing it was already 7:23 AM. Damnit Vanessa...
"Would you like to try arts and crafts?"
You looked up from your phone to see a tub of...toothpaste? Sun was holding out a tub of toothpaste for you?
"Well-" He pulled it back and looked at the toothpaste. "-not with just this. We have a large container of art supplies."
You followed him in silence as he walked over to a tiny plastic children's table. There was a neatly placed container of various art supplies on it.
You watched as he sat on a small kid's chair, grabbing the bin and digging through it, finding a couple pieces of paper and a few coloured pencils. The pencils were dull and looked to be worn out, while the paper appeared to be slightly crumpled and had bits of pencil on them.
"Come here, I got all the possible supplies for art you could possibly want!" He exclaimed.
Once settled in a small child's seat beside him, you notice he's a few feet taller than you originally saw, but then again he was bending down quite a bit before.
You grab a pencil and a sheet of paper, deciding to just doodle a little. After a small drawing of Sun you decide to draw the other animatronics in the Pizza Plex. You decide to go off of what you've seen on the walls and posters.
Freddy, Roxy, Monty, Chica, Bonnie.... You haven't seen a Bonnie around anywhere, yet you've seen a picture on old posters and worn out walls. Maybe it's just broken. I mean.. this is your first day.
Once you've filled up the entire page with doodles of the gang you flip the page over and sketch a little on the back side. mostly pictures of Sun. Maybe pictures of Moon in there as well. Like Bonnie you have not seen a Moon animatronic, maybe later in the day?
"Done." You state plainly as you give the paper over to Sun. then you stand up and walk over to the security desk. Not bothering to see his reaction. Checking the time you see it's almost time for the kiddos to come in. "Sun!" you call across the room. getting a quick 'yeah?' as a response.
"Almost time for the kids to come! pack everything up! I need to check things quickly before they come!" getting a 'mhm' come from someplace else in the daycare you sit down and grab a piece of paper, writing down what the animatronic did before the kids came.
Management makes you write down what Sundrop does before and after the work days for some reason. Honestly you didn't care if you had to write flaws or not, it's an animatronic. That's all it is. A robot. It has no feelings or emotions, sure it had very realistic emotion modes but that's it.
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