Peter's Pizza
I wiped my greasy hands on my apron. I don't know why anybody buys pizzas here, it's so unhealthy and unsanitary. Just looking at the cheese on a pizza makes me want to barf. I hate this place. I hate the people in it. I hate my boss. I hate everything about this job. The customers are the worst; they always smell like crack and cigars. At least I have night shift, and graduation is soon. I sigh. Couldn't I get my diploma any earlier. I just need a life away from everything. My job, my friends, my parents, anything that's fake. But I can't get away from myself. Everything I have is all a lie. Even I am a lie.
A and P Groceries
Ji Su
Beads of sweat start to spark on his face. His forehead crinkles, eager yet steady. One wrong move and everything will be over. He picks up the wooden piece and places it down, thinking he's gonna win. Hah! What a joke. No one ever beats me; I always win. I pull a move he never sees coming, and of course, I win. "Ah, damn it!" he yells. I raise my hands in victory. "Hand it over, dumbass," I say stretching out my hands. He searches his pockets, and reluctantly gives me the prize. "Seriously Su? Couldn't you have shown me mercy? I've been practicing for weeks!" he exclaims. "Practice? You're worse than last time, Axel. Besides, why would I want to lose a candy bar? That's bullcrap." I say peeling the wrapper of the bar. "Well, you don't need to practice since you're Korean, but the rest of us have to actually work hard to become smart. You get As on everything and you don't even study!" he guffaws. "Racist, now are we?" I laugh. "I still don't understand why you need this job. You're parents are super rich and you get allowance from them, too." Axel says. It's true. My parents are super rich and own a bunch of buildings in Korea and Los Angeles. But just because they're rich doesn't mean that they are good.
VCC Pharmacy
Tick. Tick. Tick. I sigh. How long. Do. I. Have. To. Wait. So long. I glance over to the clock. 9:55 is sprawled across it. Just five more minutes. "Hey, Reid!" I yell to the back. His crazy red hair peeks from the corner. "What do you want, Cora. Trying to organize the new orders here. Like you asked me to. You know. 'Cause you're lazy." Reid mutters. "Watch your mouth, boy." I roll my eyes. "I'm only a couple of minutes younger than you," he chuckles. "You want me to go start the car?" he asks. "Nah, let's just wait." I wave him off. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Just a couple of days ago, they were twinkling and joyful; full of life. But, of course, how can I expect him to be happy. After all I did. After what I have done.
"Ah, and ladies and gentleman! Monsieur Wren wins the game! Gimme all your chips, suckers!" I say, triumphantly. Naya and Trey roll their eyes. "Do you want to play somethin' else, Naya and Wren? Kinda gettin' tired of this game. It's all we ever do. And it's boring." Trey says. "Well what else are we supposed to do? There isn't anything else. Do you want to watch the monitors all night?" I ask, collecting their chips. "Yeah, and it's only 9:55, we still have the whole night to get through." Naya says. "Naya, why did you become a security guard for a strip mall? I mean, didn't you take the MCATS or somethin'?" Trey lean forward. I stare at Naya thinking the same. "Well, it was my parents dream for me to become a doctor, you know the typical Indian parent dream. But it was my dream to serve in the army. My parents would never allow that, so I ran away. I couldn't go into the army, for some reason. The next best thing was the police force, but they placed me in this. So, yeah." Naya sighs. Trey glances back at the monitors. Naya's eyes look stunning in the light from the monitors. "Hey Naya, are you married?" I blurt out. "Hah, who would marry me?" she laughs. Her laugh is like harmonious music in the air, and I think I would.
Hahaha, so sorry if this chapter was cringey (especially Wren's part.) I actually wrote this like a long time ago but never posted it. I have a lot of stories that I never published and are kinda just sitting there. Let me know if you guys want to read those. Also sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes (I know it sometimes pisses people off, sometimes. It makes me pissed off when someone uses the wrong kind of your/you're. I was proofreading this and I realized I made that exact mistake. LOL. I'm such a hypocrite.)
The story updates every Saturday-ish or Sunday-ish. I think. If it gets too much than I think I'll update twice a month or so. Not sure yet, since I'm still new at this kind of thing. But I feel so giddy thinking about it for some reason. I'll let you guys know if the update schedule will change.
Sorry for the long author's note. And also, feel free to comment and add criticism. It helps me to grow as a writer. I'll probably publish the next chapter really soon.
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