Calypso tugged her black jacket closer to her thin body, her pale blue eyes glancing around her nervously. She stopped, placing her hand on the hedge in front of her.
It was weaker, compared to the rest of the hedge, so she knew this was what she was looking for. She glanced around, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
The violet glow that surrounded the young teens hand was barely noticeable at first, but the longer she stood there, the fiercer it grew until the immediate area of the hedge disappeared.
Calypso opened her pale blue eyes, quickly climbing through the small space before it disappeared. Now, she stood on an old dirt path, trees blocking the cool winter sun from shining on the pale tan girl.
She pushed her medium brown hair back, letting it fall to the middle of her back before she hurriedly tied it into a plait. She pulled the hood of her jacket up, hurrying down the path.
The further she walked down the path, the darker it got. If she was any normal person, the amount of darkness would have scared her, but Calypso Umbra wasn't any normal person.
She and her brother Arizona had been raised in darkness, and the magic surrounding it, so she wasn't bothered by it.
After many minutes of walking and thinking about her current predicament, Calypso found herself in front of an old, rundown mansion.
She blew her bangs out of her right eye, walking up the front door. A tingle ran up her spine, a sign that there was still protective magic there. She placed her hand on the frost-covered silver doorknob, and a light hiss of steam erupted from the warmth of her hand.
Calypso twisted the doorknob, pushing open the heavy door. The immediate area was a Grand Foyer, with stairs leading immediately up and countless other doors.
It was a beautiful sight, with crystal chandeliers and beautiful artwork, but it was covered in a thick layer of dust, and cobwebs spread between pieces of furniture and artwork.
She shivered, but not from the cold. She looked over her shoulder, the red eyes of 'it' watching her. Calypso quickly shut the door, walking into the middle of the room.
She clicked her fingers, a red glow surrounding her hand for a split second before the chandeliers and candles in the Grand Foyer lit up with warm flames.
Calypso slid off her black jacket, pulling sheets off of the furniture in the area. She went throughout the rooms in the mansion, pulling sheets off of furniture, cleaning up cobwebs and dust.
She stopped outside of a room, reading the nameplate.
'Miren Umbra'
Calypso was right, this wasn't the first time 'it' had been here. She was glad she had saved those journals that belonged to her great grandmother. She wouldn't of found the mansion without them.
She traced the engraved writing on the nameplate, and the house shook. It was a warning. Calypso wasn't the last person the mansion would call to it's door. And if this nameplate proved what she thought it did, she wasn't the first here.
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