The sun peeks through the curtains that are pressed up against the widow from Menzost's bed. Menzost awakes to feel a pounding sensation pulsating through his skull. As if his brain was to burst at any moment. The strong smell of alcohol lingers throughout the room as if he were to be bathed in the substance. He moves to grab a drink only to realize the drink that he believed was water turned out to be pure vodka.
"Aghh! What the fuck?" he exclaims. Only to realize that he has broken his 5 years of sobriety. As he throws the drink towards the door, Adamazr walks in.
"Hey, how are you...Are you fucking serious?" Adamar screams as the drink spills down his shirt. "Is this vodka? I thought you didn't drink." he continues.
"Neither did I." Menzost begins to question what happened the night before only to realize that it is all just a blur. He doesn't remember how he got home, or where he was all he could remember was a blue figure in the distance.
"You walked in last night pretty out of it babe," Adamar says as he begins to lay down with Menzost. "You were blabbering on and on about the Great War of Shendon and how you were going to take revenge on Stuya". Menzost didn't recall a thing from last night so he began to ask himself if was he really going to start another unnecessary war that took his grandfather's life.
"Why would I say that? I never even knew my grandfather he died before I could even get to meet him." Menzost turns to Adamar staring into his bright blue eyes as if the eyes of Desius, the god of water, were staring back at him.
"Babe you're doing it again. Getting lost in my eyes when we are trying to have a serious discussion." Adamar is far too familiar with this, it's as if Menzost is being hypnotized in his eyes.
"Oh, sorry hun" Menzost has to turn to face a different direction to stop that from happening again. "As you were saying."
"You kept on going on about this Great War and this Blue Man that you believed was the root of all troubles."
"Wait... Repeat that again for me. You said I was talking on and on about a Blue Man?" Menzost starts to begin questioning his own sanity at this point. Is Adamar serious about this or is he losing his mind as well?
"You heard what I said, babe. You went on and on about him but you never specifically said how you heard about this figure." Adamar holds Menzosts hand while staring at him. "Well, you know that whatever happened last night and whatever about this blue man you went on about we can surely figure it out. I'll have someone from the library research this blue man to see if we can find anything".
"Thanks, hun. I would love to figure out anything that happened last night and my sudden obsession with this blue man." Menzost replies. Adamar begins to leave standing tall over his Half-Gnome husband. "Wait., Adamar"
"Yes, babe?" Adamar starts to question if he has said something wrong especially since Menzost just lost his 5 years of sobriety and mentioned his grandfather's death.
"You know that no matter what happens I will always love you right?" Menzost says as he gets off his bed and walks over to his Elf husband who towers over him.
"I know babe. I told you no matter what happens I will; be here for you, and for us" Adamar leans in for a hug as they always have done.
"Im just making sure." Menzost agrees to the hug as he always does even though he hates hugs no matter the person.
Adamar exits after the hug and heads downstairs to start prepping his and Menzosts breakfast. After the long night that Menzost has had he has decided to make his husband's favorite, Porridge and Rye. Menzost changed out of the alcohol-soaked clothes he was wearing and changed into a normal outfit for him. A tunic and a pair of braies that were made for children due to his short stature.
Menzost always wondered what Adamar saw in him, Adamar was more than double his height but nothing about looks mattered to him. No matter the person Adamar always sees the good in people, sometimes that was his shortcoming as his first marriage fell through due to him not realizing that he wasn't truly in love with her.
Menzost was head over heels for Adamar since the first time he laid eyes upon him. His tall pale skin mixed with his golden blonde hair, and his ocean blue eyes as if Desius was always staring at him. Once Adamar realized that he never really loved his first wife, he split from her and found Menzost. He always adored Menzost, he was short, with dark brown hair, and a voice that can tell you a million stories without getting tired of it. Once Adamar realized that he has found his true love, they decided to get married in the backyard of Menzost's family home in the small town of Grasmere in Estros.
They settled down in the neighboring town of Dumbartone and they began their life together. No day was a dull day with the two of them, whether it was something happening at the tavern they both managed or it was one of their pets bringing an animal in to play with while they are trying not to kill it.
The tavern was well known throughout the nation of Estros. They constantly had tourists come in to see The Blue Rose for themselves. It was one of the only taverns where everyone could be themselves without fear of judgment or even execution. They both wanted the Blue Rose to be something special they both can share and raise as their own kid in a sense.
Menzost began down the stairs of their home and smelt his favorite porridge being made by his wonderful husband. He snuck behind Adamar, which was easy due to his short stature, and gave him a good scare, what he normally does whenever he can keep each other on their toes.
"Aghhhh! You bastard!" Adamar exclaims in his normal fashion as he is used to Menzost's games.
"I gotcha babe! You should've seen how far you jumped!" Menzost is barely able to get his words out due to his laughter. By now Menzost is on the floor dying of laughter while Adamar is towering over himself laughing.
"That's enough games for the day babe. I made you breakfast we have a big day at the tavern today" Adamar hands Menzost a bowl of porridge with a side of rye on the rim of the bowl.
"Wait, what's happening today?" Menzost doesn't seem to remember.
"Babe, are you serious? It's the third anniversary of The Blue Rose opening. We have hundreds of people coming to stop by." Adamar seems disappointed.
"Alright, I'm sorry I didn't remember hun. Had a long night remember?" Monzast sits there as Adamar shoots him a look.
"I know. I know. But trust me today is going to be the best for the tavern in a while". Adamar looks as if he is a kid in a candy store. He is obviously ecstatic for this day. While the only thing Menzost has on his mind is who is the Blue Figure that he was obsessing over.
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