(By Digby Ward)
Context & Introduction:
Hello dear reader, my name is Digs, and I am the author of this collection of short stories. These works presented are all based on a central theme of a crystal called, ‘The Demon Crystal’. Said crystal is able to give its host immense powers, such as; levitation, change in size, enhanced strength, enhanced stealth, telekinesis, and a really good smileTM. However, these crystals do have a rather unignorable downside, that is that the possesesor will be possessed by a demon infecting the crystals known to all life forms in the universe, aside from you I assume, as DELUSIONAL. The demon mentioned ended up in these crystals through a massive fight in a fixed place in time, which ended with DELUSIONAl being turned into a load [enough to supply 10 centuries] of these crystals.
This DELSUIONAL will normally be able to posses the average mind and spread their evilness through the host. Now, it was originally the case thought by most people in the universe, [and will also be seen twice in this book], that the host needed to be dead for the crystal to activate and take control, but this has been disproved since around the 1900’s. The reason why that happened is assumed to be that since the host has no room for control, personal gripes, or other things whilst living, DELUSIONAL can do its own business more easily. It also become noted overtime, [or more recently recorded by the public], that some people who have very strong will and great intellect, will be able to control the crystal, and harness it for energy purposes.
Now, before I send you back in, through, across, and eventually at the end of time, I want to address why these crystals were kept around despite holding an insane demon inside. The reason why is that people saw DELUSIONAL as a god. Whilst it is true that all gods are flawed and don’t always live up to their idealogies, DELUSIONAL is a pure example of blind worship to a being of power. There is in fact, some research done on Earth that suggests that DELUSIONAL was some kind of way to make contact with humans from some unknown source, but they haven’t gotten all into the nitty-gritty of it all yet. Now, most people have tried to rid of these crystals, as they can be broken, however, they normally end up getting tempted and get possessed, or it gets nicked before they can put a bulldozer over one.
Will all being said, I hope you enjoy this document of stories I made, and, well good luck avoid the crystals!
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