Prologue chapter 1: Downfall of the king.
“Your highness, the meeting you were requested too has been confirmed by Captain Cueva has just returned, it is true He wishes to meet with you.” My advisor had said with shakiness in his tone. It was understandable, however this wasn’t an ordinary meeting, Cyanide is no ordinary man and this could go many ways given my position with Xai. I should maintain a high level of caution for this. “Prepare my guard. I wish for them to be ready in an hour.” I told my advisor, if Cyanide actually wishes to merely discuss with me I should not keep him waiting.
And so the hour came and me and my men teleported to a tent somewhere in the Sahara Desert, the moon glowing above me in the night with it’s calm blue contrasting the lanterns orange glow in the tent.
I took a breath and entered and as expected the ten foot God stood before me, pale snow white skin, bright cyan hair to his namesake, and slightly glowing eyes of the same color.
“Welcome your majesty, I am glad you could make it on schedule.” He said, the cunning smile on his face tells me he expected this.
“Cut to the chase Cyanide, you and I both know this was expected of the king of demons.” I was not going to fall for whatever game he i- “I’m afraid you already have” he chimed, cutting off my thoughts.
“So this is a trap, yes?” I said, hoping to gain insight to his plan here. “Oh no your majesty, I would never kill you like this, it’s much too informal. I am a man of honor.” He said, the sickly smile he has kept betrays the words he speaks.
“Then tell me Cyanide, who do you think you are? You may be a God but all beings know about how fragile your corporeal forms are.” I said, knowing not even he is foolish enough to strike a demon of hate in their prime. He then lifted his arms shrugging off my remarks.
“Oxide my royal friend, no matter how much damage my form here gets I will return in time, you of all people should know this.” He said, staring me down. Did he truly not fear death? Has he finally lost his mind? Is attacking him what he wants?
“Very well, Cyanide, tell me why have you brought me here then, if not for a fight.” truly I am ready to teleport away at a moment's notice. But I noticed him turn his back to me.
“Tell me your highness, what's a demon’s greatest weakness?” He questioned, both he and I know. . . Why ask?
“... Teleportation spells, we need to teleport three inches off the ground at least to ensure we do not collide with the world and parts of us not going with. We must always know down to the pebble where we go. . . Why are you asking?” I ask as thoughts form in my mind, what on Earth is his plan? “Precisely you are very wise, good king, now what domains do I rule?” He continued, his tone almost playful.
“Death, Deceit, and Corruption.” I answered, a feeling of weight forming in the deepest parts of my soul, something is very wrong.
“Correct again, now final question for you my friend. Why have your men been so silent?” The playfulness turned to malice as he turned his head to face me with a wicked smile still on his face. “What have you done, do you wish to be sealed for another thousand years?!” I shouted quickly reaching for the hilt of my sword, ready to unsheath it at any moment.
“Calm yourself good king, they died quickly, I am not cruel,” He said sarcastically before laughing at what he had done to my men. “I had my men in the sand buried just a little below your feet in fact, when we began talking my assassins made quick work of your ‘knights’.” He continued.
And as I stared him in the eyes I saw nothing but joy and satisfaction, so I unsheathed my sword and took a defensive stance.
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