I remember walking through the woods with Ally when suddenly she was gone, nowhere in sight.. I knew I was lost but I had to find her. Hi, my name is Lily Barkersons, I’m a student at a local college in Saint Paul, Minnesota and I live in the dormitories with my best friend Ally Barkersons, Ally and I have been friends since the third grade when I had beaten a kid up for threatening to kill her with his pocket knife. Needless to say Ally never left my side after that, and no one ever messed with her ever again. Sixteen years later here we are, Ally had been a girl on the streets so she basically moved in with me and my mom, mom never minded though, she’d always liked it when she would find us doing the dishes.. then the news had reached us, I was heartbroken. My mom was dying, cancer had spread to my mom's lungs and kidneys, we’d found out when it was too late, there was nothing the doctors could do about it, Ally and I were sent to my dad's house in Saint Paul, Minnesota. By that time Ally and I had been 18 and 19, I’m one year older than her and I never gave up the chance to tease her about it. Dad had us immediately enrolled at the ‘the best community college ever’, more like dad's workplace, my dad was a physics and basic health and hygiene professor at Saint Paul College. I began calling out for Ally,
“Al, Al, Ally!?” I cried
Nothing, damn it, I moved again this time to a clearing, but the tree’s in front of me had a letter on it, the letters were B.E.W.A.R.E.. wait, beware?, I felt a shiver down my spine at the word. I tried again,
“Al, Al, Come on Ally, this isn’t funny anymore!, ALLY!” I was on the brink of tears, and Al was nowhere to be found. I heard a rustle in the bushes nearby, I whipped around, nothing..
“Шумо ба ин ҷангал роҳ рафтед, огоҳиҳои маро нодида гирифтед ва акнун касе, ки дӯсташ медоред, фарзанди ман хоҳад мурд.(You walked into this forest, ignored my warnings, and now someone you love, my child, is going to die.)” I froze, too scared to run, the words had come out in an angered slur, yet surprisingly understandable.
“Don’t hurt her, please!” I was desperate for Allys’ safety
“Фарзандам, шумо ин роҳро интихоб кардаед, акнун вай танҳо умедвор аст, ки ба сарнавишти ӯ дучор нахоҳед шуд .. Агар шумо онро аз ин ҷангал зинда сохта тавонед, ман ҳар як ҷонро озод хоҳам кард, аммо шумо, фарзанди ман, шумо хоҳед буд мизбони ҷони сояафканам .. оё мо созише дорем¿?(My child, you have chosen this path, now she only hopes that you will not face her fate .. If you can make it alive from this forest, I will free every soul, but you, my child, you will be host of my shadowy soul.. do we have a deal?)” it spoke,
“Why do I have to become your host?” I questioned
“Зеро, фарзанди азиз, ту рӯҳи ҷанговарӣ дорӣ, ман туро мушоҳида кардам ва бисёр чизҳои умедбахшро дар ту дидам, то ба куҷое, ки наравӣ, дар баландиҳои кӯҳҳо ё дар водиҳои паст ҳар ҷое, ки мехоҳӣ пайравӣ кун. як ҳикояи ҷодугарӣ, ки ба шумо гуфта шудааст, шумо таҳти назорати ман бехатар хоҳед буд ва қудрати ман аз ҷониби шумо танҳо иҷозат деҳ. Ман ба шумо қудрат медиҳам, ки байни хатҳои ҳаёт ва маргро бинед.(For, dear child, you have a fighting spirit, and I have observed you, and I have seen in you many things of hope, so that I may follow you wherever you go, in the high mountains or in the low valleys. a magical story that has been told to you, you will be safe under my control and my power will only be allowed by you empowering you to see between the lines of life and death.)” It replied, I was shaken, to see between life and death, that's dangerous.
“You swear to set everyone free, you're not trying to trick me are you?, you’d better swear on your Lifeforce, Ally will be safe.” I felt a fake confidence in myself, as deranged and rather angry thoughts echoed out in my mind as the silence became almost gruesome and sickeningly cold.
“Бале..(Yes..)” the voice seemed shocked with my response, leave be that I had confidence enough to make one.
“Then.. deal.” I closed my eyes afraid of what might happen next.. But nothing happened. The coldness had disappeared and was immediately replaced with the sickening smell of dry blood and rotten flesh, I spared a glance over my shoulder and nearly gagged, the trees that once only had a letter in a word, now held 100 different bodies to them, all had no eyes and a sickening smile cut in their mouth. I wanted to scream, but instead I ran, I ran from the bodies, the bloody trees, I tried to run away from the voices too, but they lingered yet in my mind urging me on and away from the forest’s reaches, I don’t remember much after that except I had made camp in a somewhat isolated cave, but I felt a calm breeze slowly lull my too my abyss of a dreamless sleep.
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