After the dealings of the impertinent Wind Goddess, Taomin, and the complete revocation of her power in her blatant disregard for not only the sanctity of the family, but the discord that she caused from her Absolute Anarchy, Thanytoz found himself tired, gloomy and nigh depressed from all the darkness that existed in the hearts of those of this world. It was absolutely dreadful what he had to see on a daily basis; things that they could not see because of the fact that they were unable to comprehend Darkness, itself. They were blinded by it rather than able to see it, and if they could not see it, they could not see through it, either.
"Ohhhh..." he moaned wearily, sitting upon his throne in the depths of Allsgrim Manor, his inheritance of the entire Devourist species after not only saving them from their Voids, but also becoming the family's new ruler, over even their father than started this, Grim, himself, "... Why am I the one cursed to look at such foul cretins all day and night? I try my damnedest to help them... Not for ME, but for THEM. And yet, they INSIST on harboring it and causing discord, chaos, insanity and all such calamitous negativity... Like it's just what they exist to do!"
He slapped one of his ancient texts he was reading into the Cauldron, letting its runic mysteries become soaked into the Brew. He sighed again, placing a hand over his head and crossing his legs, tapping his finger upon the armrest of his chair.
"I try to be the kindest, most mannerable, upright, loving and dearest example I can be. I even gave up using tactics of fear and destruction to get them to understand and all they do is see it as a means to... To take advantage!!" In tandem with his tapping finger, the back of his heel clicked against the ground, as well... And yet another sigh escaped his lips, before a single Crystal Tear rolled from his face, falling into the Cauldron as well.
"Why is it so important to them? Why is not love and goodness what they revere?! Why is it that this... This... Sickening EVIL is what they love so much more than...!!"
He huffed, unable to even finish his sentence.
"... When will all of the Darkness no longer be tainted with Evil? Why can the Darkness not be filled with Good, just like everything else? I want to show them GOOD Darkness, but it cannot be if they just keep throwing all of their TRASH inside of it! Like it's just some trash heap to hide their sin and shame!"
He palmed his face with his gloved hand, trying his damnedest not to fall into despair. "It's like I have to play babysitter for all the babes that walk in the dark! Like they just cannot learn to discipline--"
As he spoke, there was an interesting reaction going on within the Cauldron. You see, the Cauldrons, that were the Witch's Brew, were able to see into other realms, opening doors to worlds of all variety, usually through a mixture of ingredients that served as energetic conduits. In this case, that ancient text and crystal tear mixing together... Brought forth something mystical.
"... What is this? An interesting reaction..."
What he hadn't realized was, that text just so happened to be the book of the Twelve Original Clans, with the Tensei being the Forbidden Thirteenth that was unheard of and taken out of history (for obvious reasons.) From that book, which was imbued with the powers of each of the Original 12, the embodiment of their ancestors would have been given life by the awesome life-giving power of the Tensei Crystal Tears, which could make anything live. Thus, a great, dark shadow poured out from the midst of the darkness... One that Thanytoz had only ever seen in and of himself, and of his Father before him. When he looked into its eyes, he saw something familiar... Someone of whom he hadn't witnessed in what seemed like eons.
"... No... Can this... Be...?"
The darkness poured over, bringing with it a great negativity and evil that was trapped within the heart of one that existed in a realm beyond, solidifying before Thanytoz as merely the Shadow of a Man... It harbored not a single ounce of Purity that can ONLY come from one that harbors a Heart, but held within it ALL of the ancient lore of the Clan of Darkness; they who created this Evil. It was the culmination of all of their Evil into a single, shadowy entite, which was now the shadow of a man he knew as his kin...
The Shadorion.
"Sh... Shinta...?!" he called out in surprise, "What has become of you?! Why... Where is your skin!? Where is your Heart, man!? Have you been enraptured by the wickedness as well!?" He gazed upon the beast in terror, as if looking into a mirror that held no reflection; an endless void that knew no bounds. Inside of it, on the other side, he could see the image of Shinta himself, but it was trapped inside a black spiral and so hazy, even the Crystal Sight of Thanytoz could barely make it out. His Darkness was strong... Such is to be expected of the King of Darkness, as well as his family's eternal affliction all amassed into a single being.
"No... You are not him. You are something... That is PART of him... But without that Light that I know inside of him... You are not him. Of that much, I am COMPLETELY aware."
The creature gazed at him with bright, yellow, cat-like eyes, as if crescent moons bent to a straight line... A predator ready to kill at any moment. Yet, on the opposite end, it would have to stare into the eyes of a man who harbored the same eyes; though not those of a cat. Not at all. These were of some horrible, twisted monstrosity that even that darkness did not know... Something that had long since been contained and controlled for the sake of the world; both this one and all others.
"... Whatever your affliction is, this Darkness has grown too great, appearing here in the Veritas!! If it grips you so tightly, then I shall free you then, my brother!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?!?" They shared a special bond through what became of his first body; Grimnyzmal. Thus, if that held fast, he had a level of control over this... Great evil in and of itself. And with that, the two of them would stand face to face, eye to eye, not moving, unblinking. "If you have ears to hear, foul demon of the Orion... Know this... As long as you are facing ME, you shall not have HIM. ARE WE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!"
"SHUT UP, YOU STUPID UGLY STUPID GUY," said the black sludge that was the Shadorion, pouring over its own darkness that seeped into and out of its own mouth back into its body, like putrid vomit, "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING. YOU'RE JUST A WANNABE DARK EVIL GUY THAT'S STUPID AND REALLY UGLY." It would twitch and shudder, starting to scream, as though it were throwing a tantrum of sorts, "DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM!? LOOK AT YOU, TRYING TO BE COOL. EVERYONE HATES YOU. I HATE YOU. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOTHING!? YOU LOOK LIKE NOTHING!!! YOU'RE JUST STUPID!!!" It would continue on like that for a while, actually, falling into and out of its own shape and form in rather disgusting manners, then spewing out random insults that seemed to be almost incoherent and completely off topic and/or subject. "THINK YOU'RE SO GREAT!? UWOTM8?! I.. I.. I-I-I-I...!!!!! I'M THE GREATEST!!! BETTER THAN YOU!!! BETTER THAN EVERYONE!! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE MY DARKNESS!!! I AM THE GREATEST DARKNESS!!! BETTER THAN ANY DARKNESS!!! U... UNOEVEN... SHUT UP, YOU FAKER!!!"
Thanytoz stood there, puzzled, befuddled and rather upset, quite honestly, even to have to witness this sort of monster. "Wh... What?" He was having a hard time understanding whatever this mass of darkness was... But he could tell just what it was. "... What is that garbage coming from your mouth? Is that... Is that what your Darkness looks like...!? The culmination of ALL that your Clan has CONSUMED!?" It was actually a sight to behold; pretty horrific and almost sickening. He could barely stand to look at a Darkness that was so contaminated. The Darkness that he knew and loved was Beautiful and Majestic, and would never allow such foul utterances to even besmirch its pure and transparent existence. No, all of the things this embodiment of the Orion clan had collected within their universally connected Darkness was now an ambiguous mass of chaotic mess.
"... Whatever your affliction, I will cleanse you of it, Brother!!! Just let me HELP you!!! You've taken in too much without cleaning your system!! And now, whatever was Tainted is coming up through you INSIDE of you!! Are you not aware of this yet!?"
It heard nothing except the word 'Garbage' and immediately felt threatened, as though it were being attacked. Everything else that was said by Thanytoz, save for anything that could be taken as a threat or offensively was all blurred out by gurgled and static, which thrived in the very essence of the being ; the darkness that was bubbling up and blotting out anything and everything that needed to be heard but letting through anything and everything that would cause the Darkness within to increase in its grotesque mannerism and power.
"GARBAGE!??!? I NO GARBAGE!!! UR THE GARBAGE!!! TRASH!! SCUM!!! HORRIBLE!!! STUPID!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!! I... I-... YOU... UUUUU!!!! U GARBAGE!!! I WILL EAT YOU!!!" It lashed about wildly before hurling itself at Thanytoz, taking the shape of a great, gaping mouth of sorts with a giant eyeball in the back of its throat, as though to keep a watchful, giant eye on his target as he, too, would be consumed and added to the Collection that was this Ambiguous Mass of Chaotic Darkness. "DIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Thanytoz couldn't fathom this creature at all. It didn't seem like it heard anything except for whatever he was saying that was negative. In that deduction, he already knew that fighting it with any sort of negativity seemed to make it more aggressive, and possibly even stronger. When it lunged at him, he immediately disappeared in a burst of shadowy bats before reappearing behind the sloppy slug and letting it slush onto the ground as it would.
"Stop this, now!! You're making a mess and... It's very hard to understand why you're so upset, actually. Can you not see that I'm trying to help you?"
They were in quite the enclosed space and fighting here would prove to be rather difficult. The room definitely was large enough for a scuffle, but it was nowhere near appropriate.
"Can you just tell me what the problem is?! Then, I can work to heal you! Come! Come! Say something coherent!! PLEASE!?" Hopefully the darkness wasn't so thick where it had completely consumed his Mind, his Body and his Spirit to the point where all 5 of his senses were deteriorated, as well. That is what happens to those who keep a Tainted Darkness for too long; as they begin to eat, it begins to eat away at them, as well. They will find an insatiable appetite to consume things and can only grow through eating others. It was how the Devourists once thrived; they who the Orion were very similar to. However, maybe... There was no hope for the Orions. He certainly would hope so, however. He was going to try for them, most definitely.
"Say something that ISN'T negative. Are you CAPABLE?! Come, now!! SPEAK TO ME!!!"
As the mush slushed to the ground in a sloppy slap, it would immediately sprout up to a pseudo-physical form that it had partially chosen for itself, the mask being its only retention of what its actual, true form USED to be. Without that Mask, it would have nothing, and would be completely Lost in the Darkness. It shuddered, shivered, trembled with anger, fear and disgust.
"PROBLEM!!!?!?!?!?" it cried, screeching quietly, "... pROblum!??!" Its mask would suddenly change its monotonous face and into a wide, crooked, trolling smile, "Problem?"
There were apparently bits and pieces of coherency left, intelligible and logical enough to create such complex thoughts in order to get its way, but not to understand how it, itself was a growing epidemic. It was able to see everything except its own darkness, which was the cause of these 'problems.' And, with it, the Shadorion would become an even greater problem in no time flat.
"I'll show YOU a problem, buddy boy..."
Apparently, in its string of intelligent and rational thought, it would suddenly hop over to the teeming power source that was still pouring with energy and wrap its body-mouth around the top, slurping out large quantities of energy that it could corrupt and assimilate within its own form, growing larger and more powerful be the second.
"100.... 500... 1,000!!!... 10,000!!!!!!" It recited, as if naming off the seals that were being broken as it continued to consume at such an incredible rate.
Thanytoz, in his stupor, didn't even realize that the Cauldron was still open and pouring out energy that he could not only draw from the Lost World, but also from other worlds, as well, as long as it were open. "OH DEAR LORD!!!" he cried, immediately taking action once he saw the gaping mouth of the creature affix itself around the rim, "GET THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH RIGHT NOW!!! BAD DARKNESS!!! BAD!!" He attempted to scold it, but knew that wasn't going to work on it, quite honestly. It couldn't even comprehend what he was saying, yet seemed to randomly pull out intelligible and logically rational thoughts only when convenient to its own consumption and growth. The Darkness had gotten even THAT deeply rooted inside of this one...
"Grrhhmmm..." he closed his eyes, crossing his arms, "... Fine. If this is the only way I must stop you..." His eyes would flash open, a slicing sanguine gleam severing the very lips of the bulbous black beast from its goopy body, keeping it from consuming anymore energy from any other world that it tried to consume whilst the Cauldron was open,
With a wave of his hand, the Cauldron would close, preventing both the escape and the further consumption of the Shadorion that stood before him, of whom he was now ready to deal with head on.
"Let me show you the TRUE meaning of Majesty, O' King of Darkness!!!"
He was Serious now... And that only meant One Thing...
One of the more signature techniques of the Tensei clan since the very beginning, of which was used rather often by a certain Khrona Tensei was indeed the main weapon of choice for the Vampire Overlord, Thanytoz, of whom was his Living Shadow. He would open his mouth and begin to draw in whatever was before him into the confines of his Abyzmal stomach through means of Makaze, the Black Hole Wind of the Devourists. He was going to just consume this creature whole and purify him from the confines of his infinite Black Hole of a stomach... Not unlike that which was signature to the Minds of the Orions.
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