The first song rang out and the darkness knew light. The song pierced primordial ice to warm the dawning sky.
Young Gaia woke to the gentle song of old brother Sol. The great Sol himself, having never known an audience during his time in the lonely heavens, flushed bright and hot in his startlement. Dear little Gaia turned sleepily 'neath his warm rays and beckoned Sol to sing again. So charmed was he by the shimmering blue Gaia that old Sol forgot to dim himself back down before he resumed his song, his light and voice both filled with more warmth than ever. With innocent glee, lovely Gaia danced and joined her own voice to the song, spinning and twirling around and around in delight.
As the two sang and played merrily together, it wasn't long before another tiny voice joined in the harmony. Little Luna, twinkling like a pearl, waked at last and the overjoyed Gaia swept up her little sister in a loving embrace. The two sisters became an inseparable pair, sparkling silver and blue and all manner of colors the shining Sol had only dreamed of in his youth. Now united as they were, the trio carried on singing and twirling and dancing together through the vast and tranquil celestial seas.
Oral legacy, recorded in 31st century of Fourth Era
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