I was sitting down on the ground while many people in nice fancy clothes walked around me. I didn't have enough strength to walk so I just lay there quietly. Before I continue let me introduce myself. My name is Okami. Now lets continue. After a while, I got up and walked back to the alley where I lived with my father. " What were you doing out this late?" he asked me. " I was out," I replied with a straight face. You see I've never really liked my father. He was always good to me but I just really got why. I was a homeless kid with zero people skills and hadn't had a bath in weeks. I was covered in dirt and grime from the alley. Ashes from the houses. With blood in my hair from the last time that I was injured. " I'm going to go take a bath," I mumbled. With that, I left. I had taken a bath and washed my clothes. This is what I looked like.
My head then started to hurt. I sat down by the edge of the pond and looked at the sky until my headache subsided.
This is the view that I got, quite pretty in my opinion. After a few hours, my head was no longer aching, but I was too tired to move so I just layed there slowly falling into a slumber. The next day there was a lot of commotion in the town sqaure so I went to see what was going on. When I got there, I saw the prince of this region with his army coming back home from the war. I had never really seen him before but I have heard from a few of the rich people that passed by that he was really handsome. And now that I see him, he really is as handsome as they all said. He has white hair, like mine, pale skin, also like mine, with dark brown eyes. You can also see the end of a tattoo on his right arm.
I had been looking at him for a while before I realized he was looking back at me with our eyes meeting.
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