People sometimes ask me when my story really started. Many think it's when I was taken, but I think it was earlier than that, back when I finally left Scarab's world, and The School. I even have a specific point in time that I believe it really began...
I was standing naked in front of the mirror in my cabin, finally free of The School's constant oversight – well, most of it at least – trying to give myself an honest evaluation.
I was cute, even I had to admit that. Even in a school full of attractive girls, everyone had said I was the pretty one.
About eighteen and a half galactic years old, I wasn't very tall, standing only about one and a half metres. On the other hand, I was nicely proportioned. I jumped up and down a bit, and my boobs jiggled, which made me giggle for some reason. They were big enough to catch people's eye, but not too big. Maybe the fact that I was generally slim and petite made them stand out more. I know Nuba liked them. That thought made me giggle again.
My hair was still dark brown, the colour the The School demanded I keep it. Time for a change. I frowned and concentrated, and it turned blue.
“No, not blue,” I said. I tried again. Pink. “Yes, better!” I shook my locks, which came down to my shoulders. I should grow my hair longer I think, and get some earrings. “I can do those later. Now. Eyes. Mmm. Yellow?” I thought about it, and my eyes changed colour.
“Ug, I don't think so!” Yellow eyes made me look sick. “Blue, let's get back to basics.” After a moment I was looking at my reflection through bright blue eyes. “Much better. I think Nuba will like them.”
That done, I was about to turn away and put some clothes on, when there was a knock at the door.
“You awake babe?”
It was Nuba. Think of the devil.
“I'm not dressed,” I called back.
“Perfect.” The door slid open and she strode in, grinning widely.
She was dressed in a simple tan jumpsuit, undone at the top. Her hair, cropped short as she liked it, seemed to be an even more shocking white than normal under the ship's lighting. As usual it contrasted starkly against her skin, which was as black as the night.
“Oh, I'm just in time it seems,” she said, taking in my naked form. I instinctively tried to cover my boobs and pussy, but she swept forward and pulled my arms apart, wrapping them round her waist as she drew me in for a kiss.
I melted against her. She was taller, slim, athletic with an almost muscular frame, and much stronger than me, unless I Boosted of course. But I didn't even think of resisting as she pulled my naked form close and snogged me hard.
“Wait,” I pulled away, gasping for breath. “What about Adail?”
Nuba grinned, her white teeth matching her hair. “I hacked into the ship's system and put her in self-diagnostic mode,” she giggled. “She'll be out for at least half an hour.”
“Nuba!” I said. “You're so naughty!
“Isn't that what you like about me?” She pulled me in again for another kiss, and this time her hands roamed my exposed flesh, making me moan.
“Ohhh, babe,” I said, as our lips parted again.
“What do you want?” she whispered to me, stroking my newly pink hair.
“I want to be naughty too!”
“I think we can arrange that,” she grinned, her hands roaming down to my pert, tight, ass. Then with no warning other than a wide smile, she pushed me back, throwing me onto my bunk. I squealed as she dived down between my legs, and busied herself on my hoo-ha.
I couldn't believe that I had been missing out on this all those years down on the planet! I squealed and moaned and even cried as she used her tongue on me, working me into a frenzy.
“Fuuuucckkk!” I screamed as she explored my mound. I was so sensitive down there, despite the time we'd spent together at The School. It still didn't take much at all to get me going.
Indeed, in less than a minute I screamed as my body tensed, and a massive orgasm swept through me. I clenched my thighs so hard that I nearly Boosted, which forced Nuba to pull out before I crushed her skull.
“Shit! Dangerous work getting you off,” she said, panting hard.
I slumped back, sweating. “Sorry Nuba, it's just...”
“I know, it's okay.” She slid herself up my body, making me moan again, and kissed me gently. “You should get dressed, Adail will be coming out of her diagnostic soon enough. I can't fool her internal clock and put her out longer because she's linked to the ship's AI, she'd notice the discrepancy. You'd better be up and ready.”
“I suppose,” I said, allowing Nuba to pull me up off the bunk.
“I like the hair by the way,” she said, as she pulled herself close again. One hand cupped my breast, then tweaked my nipple.
“No! Don't!” I said, “I'll get started again.”
In way of response, Nuba kissed both my tits, and then skipped back. “Later,” she said, and danced out of the door.
“Bitch,” I said, but I was smiling.
I gave myself a quick wash in the cabin's basin, and slipped into a jumpsuit of my own, not even bothering to put any underwear on. My decorum teacher at The School would have had a fit, and no doubt would have spanked me hard. That thought made me a little juicy all by itself.
I shook my head. The School was behind me now. Of course, what was ahead of me was also a little frightening. Once we arrived at Terminal, in the centre of the galaxy, I'd switch to one of my family's spaceships and head to my homeworld and my parents and brothers, neither of which I'd seen for a decade. I'd also have to leave Nuba there, and that made me sad. She had been the only bright spot in my life for... well, for ever I guess.
“Come on Alice, how bad could it get?” I asked myself.
Of course I'm older and wiser now, otherwise I'd have realised that was a stupid thing to say!
Blissfully ignorant of what was to come, I slipped out into the hallway and made my way along to the mess hall, as the dining area was called on the ship. It wasn't a big ship, as they go, but it was pretty fast. The onboard AI, along with Adail of course, looked after the running of the thing. I suppose I could have flown it, even back then, we'd all taken basic space flight training in The School of course, but I'd not really had any practical experience. 'Besides,' I thought. 'Who flies spaceships manually?'
I arrived at the communal area to see Nuba sitting at the single, large table in the middle of the room, finishing up some kind of soup.
“Hey Alice,” she said, waving her spoon at me. I noticed she was careful to call me by my name, so I guess Adail had woken up from her forced hibernation.
“Nuba,” I nodded back, all formality.
“There you are girl.” Adail walked into the room. She was wearing a ship jumpsuit too, although I was never sure why a level three synth bothered with clothes. She didn't have anything to cover up underneath, and surely she didn't have issues with modesty.
“Adail,” I replied. “May I have some breakfast please?”
“I shall fetch you some now. Sanitise your hands and take a seat.”
“Understood,” I said. Adail was a The School synth, sent to accompany us on our journey, and so still followed all the protocols we had lived with for years, and were now leaving behind, much to my relief.
I sat opposite Nuba, who grinned at me. Moments later Adail put a bowl of porridge in front of me, along with a bowl of mixed berries, some honey and a spoon.
“Thank you,” I replied primly. Adail nodded and left to do, well, whatever synths do.
I mixed the berries into the porridge and poured some honey on, whilst Nuba sat and looked on.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing.” She shrugged her shoulders, picked her bowl up and walked over to the cleaning area.
“How long until we get to Terminal?” I asked, taking a mouthful of breakfast.
“About a month I think.” Nuba looked up. “Ship, how long until we reach Terminal?”
“Destination will be in approximately five weeks, two days, three hours, four minutes and ten seconds, depending upon space currents.”
“There you go,” she said.
I swallowed a mouthful of porridge and smiled to myself. I knew what Nuba was thinking. I was thinking it too. Five weeks alone, well, nearly alone, to... experiment. My pussy itched at the thought, and I started to breathe harder.
Oh my universe! Was I becoming a nymphomaniac?
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